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Everything posted by angelinkc

  1. The only sure way of getting through this is herd immunity. Focus on exposing the low risk while protecting the old. Having this thing run through our young quickly is about the only option we have other than a vaccine that may never develop. Trying to stop the spread now is essentially prolonging the battle. Issue the order and house arrest the old. It will save many more lives than a federal mask policy
  2. Yet it’s not an extra layer of protection once the distance is compromised.
  3. I mean these are valid questions. If you want to say be a team player I get it. Just stop pretending it is the equivalent to going bareback
  4. If 6ft is the safe distance, why do I need a mask ? If mask are ineffective inside of 6ft , why do we wear them?
  5. Masks do not work in the place of social distancing. you can argue they are not extremely useful. At least not worth a public shaming of non maskers. You can wear a mask but if you have extended enclosed exposure to a sick person you will get sick with the mask You Are very unlikely to catch covid from anyone just passing by. I can see using them in a restaurant or bar where you may be in close proximity for an extended time. Still they have to be removed to eat and drink which defeats the point. I am not saying never wear one but masks is not in the top 3 -5 things we can do to stop deaths. We need our leaders to encourage mask when appropriate but don’t make mask the rallying point. Our leaders need to focus on the at risk population and mask can’t be the number one answer to protecting the old.
  6. I do when required. Can you tell me how effective masks are by type and fit ? How effective are they at 10ft , 6ft or 2ft? Does time matter ? This disease spreads over close range over long periods of time? You will not spread covid by walking in a gas without a mask. Think inside of 6 ft for 30min to two hours with same person. I’m thinking bars and restaurants are mask locations. Some of these other places is just for show
  7. Yet all the experts say the mask is ineffective if social distance is reduced.
  8. Mask mask mask. Let’s talk about the damn senior care facilities and how we protect seniors not in those facilities. Sure mask is part of the solution but it isn’t the end all. Distance and exposure are the keys. Mask may help a bit in just one of those areas. Put the donkey dick down and demand politicians stop forcing covid patients into old folks homes. Demand our stores provide senior hours. Inform the old daily of just how important it is they stay home.
  9. I don’t recall Trump signing a nuclear deal with Vladdy. I do remember one being signed that would reduce our stock at or below Russia. Of course he Hasn’t had the flexibility of re-election.
  10. In all seriousness future pandemics are why we need honest conversations and accurate death counts. Perfectly ok to say died with covid but the died of it much more important. We implemented some pretty drastic measures that can’t be repeated on a yearly basis. I’m not calling covid a hoax but we did overreact to a virus with a .26 kill rate. Probably closer to . 05 in younger age groups.
  11. Is she accompanied by a lesbian sign language interpreter?
  12. Some of the far left haven’t washed their ass since the Beatles landed America
  13. I will take things a step further. The founders said arms not guns. Coastal residents were encouraged to have cannons. I believe a man should be able to own a fighter jet.
  14. He was once a pretty decent person. He has become Joe Paterno though.
  15. Refund child support Defund baby mamas
  16. The lefts hatred of America really has nothing to do with Trump. These kids are defacing everything connected with American history. while endorsing Marxist ideology. Marxist nations have murdered more people than any form of government in History
  17. No but it has been a sobering week. I have cut ties with my Blue Devils after 40 years. Coach K came out and endorsed BLM so I am hoping Trout ain’t next.
  18. The excess chart does show over 100k. I am looking at this chart and we are 6% above expectations since feb. which is about 73k excess deaths. Covid is credited with 109k on this chart. Also interesting they dont isolate pure covid deaths. I am not denying this is killing people but I believe there is a 25-30% mark up on the death toll. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid19/index.htm
  19. Also a little more focus on procedures in these places. 50% of the deaths occurred in old folks homes despite accounting for only 11% of infections. Over 82% of all covid deaths are over 75 years old. Focus the energy on providing shopping hours and deliver services to limit old folks exposure. Do this and little Timmy can play baseball without a mask with or without covid. He can also safely get an education in the fall.
  20. I posted it a few weeks back but the numbers have not changed much. Cdc post excess deaths on weekly basis. Oddly enough excess deaths are below covid numbers. Not impossible but highly unlikely all other forms of deaths are down so much
  21. A little more focus on stopping this nonsense would be nice. https://www.theblaze.com/news/massive-crowds-pride-lgbtq-march-chicago-nychyc
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