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Everything posted by angelinkc

  1. I believe we know a lot about corona. Unfortunately this is all about bashing trump. The mask nazis were all anti HC despite quite a bit of evidence supporting its effectiveness. Had Trump demanded mask the left would be warning us of the negative effects of mask wearing. Just another example of leftist not giving a shit about lives. All about the politics
  2. In kinda glad. Maybe there is hope after all
  3. Yes I think it makes sense in bars etc. Just being overplayed a bit with some outdoor requirements. There isn’t a ton of science to back up the current outrage.
  4. I believe the restaurant should be able to choose who they serve. Be it race, orientation, or masks.
  5. Yes but you also have more gays. I don’t love Missouri but I do appreciate it when taxes are due
  6. I don't understand how California had a flare up with all the mask wearing.
  7. I can see the black song causing some conflicts in the stands. Might not be a huge problem since blacks don't own a lot of season ticket passes but it will be interesting if the stadiums attempt to silence the boos etc. I bet the NFL tries to write some fan conduct rules for the black anthem.
  8. Lol. Not as racist as the words I used in the search
  9. https://m.youtube.com/watch?t=0h0m1s&v=pCJPzIl5L9A
  10. Yes, Univsion said since the gate was unlocked his home was fair game. Trump is a dick but the alternatives are fucking nuts.
  11. Yes I was just remembering the good old days where I would drop it a King center pick up game. I used it as a weapon until opposing school complained after a baseball game.
  12. You can say the hard r. Just know the time and place
  13. Prety sure he wouldn’t insist 73k is equal to 109k.
  14. Pretty funny blacks fought 100s of years for equality only to request segregation.
  15. Make sure he doesn’t wear a mask. I hear mask stop the spread
  16. Is there an independent link or just the standard Vox subscription?
  17. I remember some sailors were captured and a bunch of money was dropped in Iran. Could that money have funded any attacks in Iraq? In 2008 a 107mm rocket exploded through our door so the history was there prior to handing them cash.
  18. Good article and very true. Not mentioned in the article but the ESL policy is also racists. Nobody really talks about Spanish speakers. Every child in America who has a Spanish speaking parent must prove their literacy or be removed from regular class. These kids are given a subjective tests and can be fully or partially removed from class. There is no incentive for districts to remove kids from the esl programs because it justifies money and additional jobs
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