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Everything posted by angelinkc

  1. Yes it is great in the Carolinas where Coke bottles it. Not as good in other place when bottled by smaller companies. Coke seems to get the carbonation just right. Little flat other places. Cheerwine also made in NC is the best cherry soda ever.
  2. Black athletes make a lot of money endorsing products produced through slave labor. Human Trafficking and sex slavery are a world wide industries. None of these ass hats speak of real ongoing injustices. Instead Blm loots and destroys to honor fallen thugs. Willing to bet not one athlete will wear a message that addresses modern day slavery. I get tired of seeing a bunch of spoiled Americans bashing this country. Without America most of these athletes would still be in Africa carrying a damn spear and eagerly awaiting the next shipment of USA wheat
  3. Yes but I took a break. My son only has a few weeks until school so I cut out internet activities. How you been
  4. Change tablets and vitamin C to cigarettes and nicotine
  5. It is funny. You should see the white trans dude insulting the black cops. He is sporting high heels and a mini skirt. Little hormone induced tits bared for the world to see
  6. The streets are filled with the rainbow flag. The far left is a Marxist mob. All gays are not bad people. However, radical leftist always march together. BLM and antifa marches are always full of radical gays. The rainbow flag is also present at most every immigration or SEIU rally.
  7. Can’t hurt. I just got back from the beach. Loaded up on Trump 2020 and Redskins mask. Both are hot items in South Carolina. Wearing one isn’t a huge ass pain but I doubt they are a huge benefit.
  8. 5 years later, antifa has shown us that marx and puberty blockers are a dangerous combination
  9. Yes Yes don’t mess around. Pull out the white privilege card and jump line.
  10. If course the leftist historians will say that. Read his books and listen to his words from the start. Nationalism is about the only view he shared with right wing groups. Being to the right of communist doesn’t make you a righty. You can argue the dems of today have made rich white people the Jews. From socialized health care, hatred of the church , and weapons confiscation the modern day left shares a hell of a lot with the nazis
  11. That’s the bs definition the left would like you to believe. News flash hitter was a fucking leftist.
  12. he is authentic at least. most of the libs in here are incapable of individual thought.
  13. yes i could care less about NGO but i like getting UTH spun up. He has not been this fired up since Bernie lost
  14. Pretty sure antifa whipped his ass a last year.
  15. i'm glad we got some rain tonight in Missouri. hopefully this keeps the fires down here. The chaplain's son burned down his neighbor's house with fireworks a few years ago. As a vet, I am not a huge fan of of shit exploding but kids like it. Just needs to be done under the right conditions. instead the conditions usually involve drunk people playing with fire in questionable locations.
  16. No he hasn’t done that. He has compromised his integrity and morality to avoid damaging Duke Basketball. Pretty sure he is not a Marxist trans gender loving person but he has publicly supported both in recent years.
  17. I’m not a big fan of people shooting fireworks. Few people have the land and climate needed for an individual show. Can’t see why anyone in SoCal would want to launch burning projectiles
  18. I don’t think they have hurt themselves. The narrative has been changed from greed to safety. Meanwhile they bought time to avoid the virus and political issues
  19. I don’t think you are a crazy leftist. You strike me more as a workers union type but not a full Marxist. I say BLM is single wide and antifa is the snobbish double wide crowd
  20. Someone said baseball might look for a way out of the season. Covid cancellations allows both sides to save face with fans.
  21. That is a pretty cool mask. true illustration that the trailer park and BLM are not all that different
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