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Everything posted by angelinkc

  1. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid_weekly/index.htm#Comorbidities So the average corona death has 2.5 comorbidities and corona alone has killed slightly over 16k in 6 months. We can't survive
  2. BLM has simply gained corporate and social acceptance of blacks being black.
  3. There is easily enough people there to film a Tarzan movie
  4. soccer so not far off. did cancel his game against the mighty bruins
  5. America's willingness to shit on our kids has been a major disappointment. I watch my son train 4 to 5 hours a day since March only to discover his next game or Senior event has been delayed or canceled. First college season is now moved to spring and 1st semester potentially online. Personally, I had rather get this virus than watch my son's life continued to be delayed. It is time to allow the kids to move on with their lives. Really is BS that good kids are being denied freedom while these shitbag losers raise hell every night.
  6. Can agree but one man was supposed to be a 5ft shit stack of infections disease knowledge. He turned out to be just a 5ft stack of shit that throws like willy nilly
  7. You can’t be completely happy with Fauci. Arm strength aside the dude is supposed to be a subject matter expert He has been as wrong as trump.
  8. Yes my son’s roommate is going to be a white blm supporter. We will see how he reacts when my brown kid brings out the South Carolina confederate flag
  9. Lol im starting to. I expect this nonsense from the hood but white people should know better
  10. Fauci should have been shit canned in March. Dude has been wrong from the start and throws worse than Obama
  11. I don’t believe he is racist of homophobic enough either. I had to cut back my post because I really want to use the power adjective that describes all these BLM members i guess the word could also be a noun but i prefer not to use a broad brush
  12. Odd but there is some thought smokers are helped by nicotine which may prevent an overreaction bythe immune system.
  13. Fletch is a nice complimentary player but he is never going to be a star. I don’t hate him but he isn’t the ideal lead off hitter for a championship team.
  14. Progressives started the big gov push and they did it in both parties. FDR took it to new levels and I believe he was an elected jackass
  15. Not saying we blow things up this week but we should explore playing some young guys quickly if things go south.
  16. I believe we can make the playoffs this year but I don’t see available pen upgrades to advance in the playoffs. I had rather give it our best shot while playing Adell and the guys.
  17. Don’t believe playing a few young guys is going to significantly lower our win total.
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