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Everything posted by angelinkc

  1. I wonder if Obama has visited recently. I haven’t seen this many young black males murdered since he launched his bid for the White House
  2. I did manage to shit up once back in February. Wife was pretty pissed about cleaning that up.
  3. Yes I don’t think that pooped up looking for trump statues. The debate is did he search hard rock or rock hard
  4. Yes, glad you survived all the madness. Appreciate all you guys work
  5. Yes, my son's schools is pretty much free with scholarship and GI Bill. He took the student loan just to build some credit. He will have more than enough GI Bill to pay it off each year. However, part of me thinks he may be better to wait and see who wins the election. Hate to see him pay it as he goes only to have the dems forgive student loans. I guess we teach our kids to do the right thing but he will probably get screwed like most of us who paid.
  6. Yes, I don't have a huge problem with cutting the SS taxes. At some point, we have to reform SS or fund it. I don't really have a huge problem with Trump's actions. The recent attention just alerted me to just how much we have been paying the unemployed all along.
  7. Yes, and both are way too high for people contributing jackshit to the country. Obviously, we owe people who have been banned from work. However, there are quite a few jobs out there that people are choosing unemployment over work. I don't want to pick oranges any more than the next man but I will before I starve. Eventually, the people have to recall the shutdown govs or find a new profession. Now the people who were unemployed before the shutdown shouldn't get one dime extra.
  8. Does the landowner still have to pay the mortgage and his bills? Believe the 1990s Democrat in Trump came up with this idea.
  9. I’m getting pissed. I believe we need to help people who the government shutdown their jobs. However, I can’t believe we are actually paying people this much money to sit on their asses. The Marines billed me 1500 in a combat zone for a 7 year old overpayment. I have never received a dime of free money. Even if I get fired my retirement is too much to qualify. I’m thankful but it sure is a fucked up system
  10. Not a big fan of executive orders but i believe this is good move politically. The dems now have to sue to withhold money from the people or agree to a more reasonable stimulus package. I hate this big spending. The correct answer is to free the people from corona tyranny and the economy will provide for the people. The dems will certainly use this power grab the next time they control the White House. I can see trillions going to green energy and social justice causes when Mrs Obama declares an environmental emergency or a racist virus outbreak
  11. I used those same words when I left 20 years ago.
  12. Believe this is key. Most of my family are teachers. Obviously Dad and I are the brains in the group. However , teachers don’t get sick that often. The first couple years they catch everything and are pretty much immune after that.
  13. the more i see of rendon, he probably better served to rob the liquor store
  14. It is pretty hilarious how many leftist support these Marxist thugs. Dems declare racism a virus while attempting to argue we are in the largest pandemic in history. There is at least some truth to corona but leftist shouldn't be shocked people are skeptical. According to Dems, we can solve America's problems if everyone becomes a Marxist, destroys property, and wears a mask. Don't be shocked when the big orange asshole is re elected.
  15. yet cops shooting blacks declined over the last 4 years
  16. Pretty good but I’m still partial to bbq and red meat.
  17. The problem is complex. There are many ways to cross the border if you are brave or desperate enough. Most were probably already here illegally. Illegals make up 4% of our population and we know Hispanics are being hit hard. We can estimate they make up at least 4-6 percent of the deaths. So roughly 6k- 8k which coincidentally is about the same number of pure covid deaths total. Full disclosure I do blame the wife for most everything
  18. Another fact omitted is the number of Mexicans jumping the border to attend our hospitals. I don’t blame them or wish to deny them service but they shouldn’t be counted as American deaths.
  19. I don’t disagree we are in a tough spot. However , Blarg can work from home or quit and spare us some boring reality tv. A very small sacrifice compared to the educational and emotional damage our kids are experiencing. We all hope we never have to do it but any man worth a damn should be willing to die to preserve life and liberty for our kids
  20. I see shutdown has done nothing to raise Blarg's testosterone level.
  21. AMEN. Our freedom doesn't end where Blarg's fear begins
  22. 1 in 3 hospital deaths were due to sepsis prior to covid so it is fairly logical covid might not be the cause for all 12k deaths. I left multiple other causes as everything isn't always black and white. I am not denying corona kills but there is a need for transparency and open the damn schools. How many of these patients should have seen a doctor for underlying issues but postponed it do to covid? Open and honest reporting would have created a lot more buy in from Americans with mask and distancing. The press and our government needs to detail this information to the people. Both chose to misrepresent the death toll just like they lied about masks. I assume they believe Americans would never support the BS if they knew the truth. For me, I would be much more willing to play ball on the BS if the facts were openly discussed. Policy aside, I appreciate your work with the sick. We have completely forgotten about healthcare workers as we continue to kiss black Americans ass. Really is a shame because many workers have died and it has to be stressful.
  23. After a second look, pure Corona has only killed 8k. Only 4k under the age of 45 and that is using the bs corona related stats. Time to open the schools and country up. There is a whole lot of terminally ill death counting that needs to stop. I have no problem taking precautions but this detailed data should be revealed on a daily basis. Time to stop with the 100 million corona deaths (Biden) 18K people had a heart attack, 6k cancer. 12 sepsis, 5k dementia, 12k kidney failure, 4k injury related.All counted as corona.
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