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Everything posted by Marsaka

  1. Latroy Hawkins and Jason Isringhausen say hi.
  2. Of his caliber? There are plenty of players who take 2nd base on a single up the middle and get thrown out at 2nd. And Howie is not the only fielder who makes key errors in important parts of the game. There are plenty of players of this caliber, most of them are still in little league but they might make it to the big show one day. I think you seriously overrate Howie Kendrick,
  3. The difference is Teixera actually performed well for the yankees for most of his contract, and now his contract is almost over. Pujols hasnt done shit but cause internal problems and pose at home plat for flyballs that barely make it to the warning track. He is just dead weight for 8 more years.
  4. agreed 70-76 is pathetic, especially for a 175m dollar team.
  5. good idea, put 2 hackers with no plate discipline at top of the lineup lol scioscia has no baseball brain whatsoever. its amazing how someone in the game for 40 years can have such little understanding of how to fill up a lineup card. and i bet the return of kendrick means the return of losing and bad baserunning.
  6. I think it's just the ump, he has a mighty small strike zone. Garret had 7 BB's as well, unusual for him
  7. They are playing so well lately, they sure do love playing when all the pressure is off them to win.
  8. Ya only reason why I used that scoreboard was because it was so simple. Its too clustered now.
  9. so i guess after reading those foxsports articles people have no reason to bitch and complain...ya that's logic.
  10. The problem is moreno doesnt learn from his mistakes, he just keeps doing the same stupid shit over and over. Remember he tried to get carl crawford before the wells deal? he lucked out when crawford went to boston, but did he learn from it? No, he gives a ridiculous contract to an old albert pujols, then he does the same thing with hamilton. The guy has no clue what he's doing.
  11. I agree with all that. I disliked Moreno immediately after he announced the team name would include los angeles in it, essentially giving us the most hideous name in sports. He then forces his gm and front office staff to trade away napoli for wells, 4 pitchers for haren and when those dont work out...he cripples the franchise with 2 horrible contracts for the next 10 years. I liked the angels better pre-moreno days. The leaking of information between dipoto or scioscia getting fired is the latest unprofessional thing he has done to this organization. He needs to sell the team and go the hell back to arizona.
  12. I think at this point if Scioscia was tradeable he would be gone by now but that's obviously not the case. No one wants him for a reason.
  13. Yep, and it's going to be hard finding a quality GM/Manager that actually wants to work for Arte Moreno.
  14. or how bout scioscia getting his ass canned for being an egomaniac and a terrible manager?
  15. lol the owner has to consult with scioscia? the problem is scioscia's ego and he can't seem to let go of the gm power he had in the organization before dipoto came in. that's not dipoto's fault.
  16. This article is more proof of Scioscia needing to be fired. No mediation? Where's the leadership from this guy? Why isnt he the one calling out people? All Mike does is sit on his fat butt and collect a paycheck, worst manager ever.
  17. It's Arte who makes the final decision not Reagins. I had more of a porblem with the Haren trade, but that might be more of Arte breathing down Reagins back also.
  18. It's more like his teammates need to stop sucking and actually concentrate on fielding and focusing during a friggen game. Always easier to blame weaver isnt it?
  19. Well it's not really our fault Moreno gave Scioscia a stupid contract and he shouldn't think the franchise has to suffer for his mistake. I hope he does the right thing and fires Scioscia because there is no way Scioscia is man enough to resign even though he knows he's not the right fit for this franchise anymore. As much as I disliked Collins, at least he did the right thing in the end and didnt force this franchise to continue in a downward spiral because money is owed to him like Scioscia is doing right now. That guy really makes me sick.
  20. Awesome, so were making up some ground for the #1 pick in draft.
  21. I have a feeliing Mike Butcher is like Mike Scioscia, in that he thinks his job is to only show up to the ballpark and collect a paycheck. It's not the instructional league afterall.
  22. I'd like to wait and see what they can do with a real pitching coach.
  23. Did it ever occur to Scioscia that a righty righty machup is irrelevant since Jepsen only throws a very straight fastball and a breaker no one swings at?
  24. They're offense is inconsistent, they will score 5 runs in the first inning sometimes then never score again. They score 10 runs against felix, then get shut out by Joe Shmoe who had a 7+ era at single A.
  25. omg take him please! u guys can have him, so can those other teams!!!!!
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