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Everything posted by Marsaka

  1. he wasnt going to be a free agent those 3 years so for all we know he tough'd it out in order to con the angels. that seems to be a recurring thing for this organization.
  2. he had a track record of nagging injuries before they even signed him, dipoto signed away anyways.
  3. I think he wishes to just return to the cardinals.
  4. Did he say anything about trading howie kendrick?
  5. the point of these boards is not to express your own opinion, it's to agree with everything inside pitch says, and if you don't well you're an idiot.
  6. Angels could go after tanaka without worry from luxury tax if they werent so stupid and signed pujols and hamilton. im sorry the yankees made smarter decisions the past couple years, but for some reason you want to blame mlb.
  7. Thanks for sharing, I had no idea Mike Trout was supposedly a very good OF. Very informative stuff.
  8. championship caliber? looks like he's still supposedly living in 2009.
  9. so mulder supposedly agreed to a minor league deal and will supposedly make 1 mill guaranteed and 6 mill on incentives. im ecstatic, i always supposedly liked mark mulder.
  10. Look up hypocrisy while you're at it. sup·pos·ed·ly səˈpōzidlē/ adverb 1. according to what is generally assumed or believed (often used to indicate that the speaker doubts the truth of the statement). I can do that too. lol fail
  11. Supposedly? ya the cops are totally making it up. free puig!
  12. pujols version of productive will likely differ from yours. he'll probably think a .250 avg with 650 ops is good enough for 33 million a year. no way he walks from that much money.
  13. what r u talking about, he won angels defender of the year.
  14. The issue with Walden trade was if an excellent organization like the braves gives up on a pitcher like Hanson then that's obviously a red flag, Dipoto should know this, if he doesn't he has no business being GM. Vargas for Morales didnt work out fine because Vargas turned out to be a pansy like Hanson and now the mariners get a compensation pick for morales instead of the angels getting one. Too early to tell on the Trumbo trade, but with our history of trades Trumbo will probably end up being a perennial 50 homerun hitter while our 2 young pitchers never pan out. Greinke trade wasn't that bad, have you guys watched Segura play? Almost every single game I watched him he would boot a ball or throw it into the stands. He would rarely stop any ball hit more than 1 foot to his left or right and most of the the time his errors were ruled "base hits". He had a very good first 2 months with the bat, then crashed back down to reality. i don't think he will be anything special. Freese trade was bad, it actually made the team worse. This infield defense scares me, I dont trust anyone there to make a routine play without making me nervous.
  15. dont worry all we made the rangers worse when we stole hamilton away from them last year. now they have a much worse player in choo for a lot cheaper.
  16. Has it not been said a million times that his japanese team wont post him? why do i keep reading these posts.
  17. I agree with this. They are banking on luck, rebounds from pujols/hamilton/freese, players living up to their potential - nothing of a sure thing and honestly not very likely.
  18. lol that wasn't intended to be taken seriously. some of you call me stupid yet you cant tell the comment was an obvious insinuation toward howie's fanboys.
  19. ***Mod Edit- Stop with the 3rd grade name calling. This is your final warning***
  20. lol ya im gonna bring my closer to face howie when he can easily get himself out on 3 pitches in the dirt...are you serious? I dont get why you are still comparing 3,4,5 guys to kendrick and claiming theres no difference when the stats i posted clearly shows why your bring in your best against 3,4,5 - while kendrick it probably wouldnt matter.
  21. I'm glad you were finally able to respond without sounding like a 3 year old. As for the high profile bats you cant compare them to kendrick because in late games they face guys throwing 100 mph, or they try and get pitched around etc, its not the same thing you would do with kendrick would you? that's why I asked for a player similar to kendrick. the only stats I personally look at are the situational ones. If you compare those to kendrick you get - Miguel Cabrera with bases empty hits .331 avg, w/runners on hits 366 avg(.397 risp), ortiz bases empty .287 avg, w/runners on .330 avg, cano bases empty .256, w/runners on .366(.356 risp) kendrick bases empty .328 avg, w/runners on .256 avg All of those guys step up there game when runners are on base and become a lot tougher to get out, that's why they make the big money im guessing? While kendrick clearly folds or panics in those situations. Based on that they dont really compare do they?
  22. well its the only conclusion i could come up with when people say things like "kendrick is a good defender", "kendrick is a top 5 second baseman" wtf no HES NOT
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