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Everything posted by mtangelsfan

  1. Honestly, who gives a crap about Saudi Arabia, talk about an evil empire. They are one of the most suppressive governments in the world right now. 50 plus executions in a week.
  2. I don't have the words Scott. I am very sorry. Losing family hurts like nothing else in the world.
  3. Jewelry is only for the rich, greedy, white privileged elitists.
  4. He is a stupid Trumper who doesn't have real thoughts of his own. He lives off of Fox News. He needs to shut his dirty whore mouth
  5. I think his comments were directed at the leaders of the left, not your everyday liberal working person. Regardless, like or don't like aren't really factors for all of these a-holes leading our country. It is only a means to an end.
  6. They at least care that higher gas prices give the Republicans fodder for the next election and I wonder if anyone in DC really cares at all about anything that affects you and I beyond how it will push the next election.
  7. I was really wanting to know your opinion. No traps or tricks
  8. Do you believe that quote is worthy of banning?
  9. Embarrassing, the republican party at it's worst. That said, the one on the left is hot
  10. This is some self serving bullshit. I wish their "official statements" were true. Like "We believe the owners are being greedier than we are and we won't stand for it" Owners statements have been worse
  11. This is why I could never be a pastor, I just don't like people. They suck. Dog Found Screwed Into Door Frame in Horrific Case of Animal Abuse (msn.com) I am glad he got tazed but wish they would have had to use rubber bullets on him
  12. Twitter suspends US Senate candidate for hateful conduct (msn.com) What she said was the women should be in women's sports. That is hateful speech according to Twitter.
  13. Nice to know Newsome is on, s**t is going to get done.
  14. Why are the Chechens fighting for Russia, don't they hate them?
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