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Signing Matt Garza would alienate every female Angel fan...

Tavon Brown

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"A slumpbuster is if a team's in a slump, or if you personally are in a slump, you gotta find the fatest, gnarliest, grossest chick and you just gotta lay the wood to her. And when you do that, you're just gonna have instant success. And it could also be called jumping on a grenade for the team." Mark Grace 2003

Today, he'd probably have to hold a press conference and give a weepy public apology, although, at the time most people considered it hilarious.

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Garza's an effing clown. He still makes the Angels a considerably better team and if he keeps his mouth shut and is signed to a deal that works for the Angels, I say go for it. Weav, Wilson and Garza are a pretty solid, steady 1-3. Richards, Santiago, Skaggs and Mulder as a 4th or 5th starter is as good as it gets.

Yup! I'm hoping this is how it shakes out. While I'd prefer Tanaka, I do like proven MLB guys with a solid repertoire of pitches and 7 straight seasons with a sub 4.00 ERA.

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Yeah, the guy's probably and idoit.

That said, if he can win 18 games/year for the Angels, who effing cares?

I want some of what you're drinking. If we get Garza he'll be lucky to crack 12 wins, and of course he'll get destroyed every time he pitches in Arlington.

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