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Haren to the Dodgers


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A bit expensive but not  a terrible deal for the Dogs........they're spending that amount for their FOURTH starter or maybe even FIFTH. WOW!


When I saw this in today's LA TIMES, it just, to me, was a reminder that the Halos really missed that window of opportunity to become S. Cal's team surpassing the tradition laden Dodgers.......


Halos had a shot but couldn't capitalize on the opportunity during the McCourt debacle years and now the new Dogs ownership has righted the Chavez Ravine ship quickly and, whether you agree with their Yankees-West philosophy or not, are spending the dollars to be competitive.


They got Nolasco last year down the stretch, a move that was worth a flyer and he rewarded them with 7 or 8 wins down the stretch -- he won't be back but contributed those wins when needed............and now Haren, who I thought pitched well for us and is a serviceable FOURTH or FIFTH rotation guy.


And, please, I hope folks are joking about Bartolo.........do we really want him back so many years after we let OUR only other Cy Young Award winner leave as a free agent (and there weren't too many complaints here about that, if I recall).

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