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Yankees sign Jeter for another year


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I'm not sure I quite get this.

He's a 39 year old "shortstop" who was injured for most of the past season and awful when he was playing. He had a 9.5 million player option.

Was it really likely enough that he would turn that down that the Yankees had to thrown in another 2.5 million?

At least the Yankees are willing to give their star a significant bump in pay, unlike Angry Arte and Co!

Stop neglecting the foreign market and signing washed up players in their 30's! Just STOP it!


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Mariano Rivera day across every stadium in the league is not shoving the players down our throats?

I would assume if Jeter announces his retirement that same will go for him.

Didn't know m0nkey was a Yankee apologist...

Ok. So how does re-signing jeter shoving him down our throats
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Ok. So how does re-signing jeter shoving him down our throats


Jeter signing has nothing to do with it.


Read my post.


Just as others have stated in this thread, there's going to be a celebration tour and Jeter will be commended and applauded throughout every stadium in the league following the announcement of his retirement. That is shoving it down our throats. Just like they did with Mariano last season, its like they couldn't give out enough trophys or take enough pictures or have enough celebrations. Thank god the Yanks didn't make the playoffs, it would have gone on all October.


The league and all the teams celebrating the Yankees and their "all around class act" players can't end quick enough.

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