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Can Naps not catch at all anymore?

Erstad Grit

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Napoli hit well this year, and played very good defense at 1B under the radar. Where are you getting that Napoli's career is on "borrowed time"?

Not being an effective option behind the plate =/= his career is over. His bat will play at DH and 1B...just ask the Red Sox

It won't play when there's no DH and a 37 year old star hitter in the most important series of the year

Edited by KingJustinian
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he has a degenerative hip. he's losing bone mass. there are more medical options available to him today than there were for bo jackson, but he has the same thing bo has. his career is on borrowed time and i don't mean that as a slight against him.


if you need more proof, i offer the red sox voiding his multi year free agent deal and instead offering him a one year incentive deal.


i wish him a long and successful career.

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Scioscia's opinion in anything Napoli related has as much credibility as anybody here talking about interstellar space travel.

Well, I do have to say that interstellar travel will never happen until we invent a faster-than-light engine. A warp drive, if you will.


Where's Zevram Cochran?

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I believe the biggest blunder by the Halos regarding Napoli was not seeing the value with him as  a DH and 1b.  (yes I know he played those positions but they did not have confidence long haul with him there.)  I can accept the decision that Mathis was a better catcher defensively.  What blows my mind was why did they believe that Bobby Abreu would be better at DH?

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Scioscia's opinion in anything Napoli related has as much credibility as anybody here talking about interstellar space travel.


And yet he averaged fewer games as a Ranger catcher than an Angel and a total of zero games in a Red Sox uniform.

Edited by Eric Notti
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Napoli hit well this year, and played very good defense at 1B under the radar. Where are you getting that Napoli's career is on "borrowed time"?


Not being an effective option behind the plate =/= his career is over. His bat will play at DH and 1B...just ask the Red Sox

Did you make this video? Lol



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