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Trout gold glove snub

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That extra weight definitely had in impact on him in the field and on the bases.  I wouldn't be surprised if he comes into spring camp a lighter.

By midseason he had trimmed down, and he is still an excellent defender. He didn't have a banner year defensively, but he was still good. Overall? The best in MLB.

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The Gold Glove awards, like all awards, are somewhat of a joke. I remember one year Rafael Palmeiro won the GG at 1B and he only played something like 40 games there.


That said, Mike Trout was a very good defensive outfielder this year. He was OK, maybe even good - and certainly better than WAR would have it. But he didn't stand out like he did in 2012.

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The Gold Glove awards, like all awards, are somewhat of a joke. I remember one year Rafael Palmeiro won the GG at 1B and he only played something like 40 games there.


That said, Mike Trout was a very good defensive outfielder this year. He was OK, maybe even good - and certainly better than WAR would have it. But he didn't stand out like he did in 2012.



Which one was he - very good, OK, or good?  

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