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Breaking: Eppard and Picciolo let go - Scioscia and Dipoto staying


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Dino Ebell has already been named the new bench coach.

Ebel has been pretty solid as a 3B coach for the past 8 years.

We just don't know how he will help Scioscia as a right hand man. But I guess they figured that Roenecke made the same move from 3B coach for 6 years to bench coach.

Edited by Angel Oracle
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If I was a player in a deep funk, and in need of some reinforcement, I don't think talking to Scioscia would help.  His demeanor is so robotic and his comments (at least to the media) so predictable, that I can't envision any scenario where talking to Mike would be productive. 


This is where Joe Madden was especially helpful I think. 

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If I was a player in a deep funk, and in need of some reinforcement, I don't think talking to Scioscia would help.  His demeanor is so robotic and his comments (at least to the media) so predictable, that I can't envision any scenario where talking to Mike would be productive. 


This is where Joe Madden was especially helpful I think. 

have you ever talked to Mike?  I have.  He's nothing like what you are describing. 

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No, I haven't.


How is he different? 

He's actually very charismatic and naturally commands a room.  He's quite funny and entertaining.  He's far from robotic.  Don't know what it would be like to interact with him on a daily basis and I haven't seen him angry or frustrated, so I am not sure how dealing with that would be, but his canned responses to the media are likely far from his true persona.  Whether that's good or bad is tough to say. 

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He's actually very charismatic and naturally commands a room.  He's quite funny and entertaining.  He's far from robotic.  Don't know what it would be like to interact with him on a daily basis and I haven't seen him angry or frustrated, so I am not sure how dealing with that would be, but his canned responses to the media are likely far from his true persona.  Whether that's good or bad is tough to say. 




I believe what you're saying, but I don't think the personality traits we see publicly come with an on/off switch.  If we as fans are annoyed by his worn out cliches, and other personality traits, I'm sure the players feel the same way at some level. 


Speaking only for myself, if I'm frustrated and looking for advice, I'm far less likely to approach someone when I can predict what they will say in advance.  I wouldn't be at all surprised if Scioscia repeats the "turn the page" nonsense behind closed doors. 

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Bogar is an intriguing option. He hasn't found a managerial job, but was always a frontrunner for the ones he applied for. Everything players have said about him have always been positive like the one below

"Dustin Pedroia called Bogar a “calming voice” and Mike Aviles noted that he’d always go to Bogar with questions because “he’s one of those guys who has great communication skills.”

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I believe what you're saying, but I don't think the personality traits we see publicly come with an on/off switch. If we as fans are annoyed by his worn out cliches, and other personality traits, I'm sure the players feel the same way at some level.

Speaking only for myself, if I'm frustrated and looking for advice, I'm far less likely to approach someone when I can predict what they will say in advance. I wouldn't be at all surprised if Scioscia repeats the "turn the page" nonsense behind closed doors.

Doc is right. I've met him on two occasions, once in the player parking lot after a game with Vlads family and once when Chuck gave me a press pass and I spent all day at the stadium....I had limitations but saw enough of him to back my initial assessment.

He's nothing like he is with the media. He seems to have a switch and is almost tiresome of the same dumb questions over all the years and just gives the minimum answers to get through it.

He is gregarious and the life of the party. He jokes about his weight and eating lasagna, so he can laugh at himself and is a funny guy.

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