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Angels Official Website: Angels searching for pieces to build around core in '14


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I don't think they can hold trumbo for pujols insurance at 1B.

they are all in on pujols. you have to ride that out. you cant change that plan 2 years after singing a 10 year deal.

if the big boys falter again, they falter and we suck again.

but you have to do something to get pitching - which means bye bye trumbo.

Edited by mrwicked
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I do think Trumbo should be dealt this off season.  I'm sure there is a GM somewhere that covets his power and will give something up for him.  Trumbo brings nothing else to the table and is really a hole in the line up as far as I'm concerned.  How often do you have guys that hit 34 HRs and 100 RBI but have an OPS under .750?  Not good.


Bourjos is tricky, because he does bring great defense but he's another one I think should be dealt.  Calhoun earned himself a starting spot for next year and brings way more to the team than Bourjos does.


Depending on what you can get in return for Trumbo and Bourjos would depend on if we should keep Howie or not.  I would love for him to stay, but this team needs pitching, pitching, and pitching.  Would love to see Howie stay at 2B and move Green over to 3B next year.  But if Howie can bring in some young, quality pitching, it would be hard to pass up.

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I'd rather trade Aybar than Kendrick, so we won't have Sosh sticking Erick in the leadoff spot anymore (assuming Sosh is back, of course).  That said, I think Howie is going to be a prime trade target for whatever team wants Cano but doesn't get him (he's staying with the Yankees, they need him the most).  I also see Trumbo being traded.  He's top ten in HR but as others have pointed out that's about all he brings to the table (well, besides playing two OF positions and 1B fairly well).  This team has the potential to look a bit different next year.

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It's going to suck if we develop some great players, only to possibly have to trade them away.  And whoever we trade them away to, we will get fleeced.  Everyone covets pitching, especially young pitching.  And when you couple that with the Angels desperation to get pitching, I'm sure Trouts name will come up in the rumormill.  That's how behind the 8 ball we are.


Angels should just bite the bullet and go after the 2 Japanese starting pitchers.

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What I would do: 

Aybar for Cozart and Leake

Trumbo and Jepsen for Perkins pitching prospect (Kyle Gibson?)

Sign Eric Chavez 

Sign Joe Smith

Re-sign Vargas, non-tender Hanson, release Blanton



1. Bourjos CF

2. Calhoun RF

3. Trout LF

4. Pujols 1b

5. Hamilton DH

6. Kendrick 2b

7. Chavez/ Jimenez 3b

8. Conger/ Ianetta C

9. Cozart SS

Conger/ Ianetta, Jimenez/Chavez, Green, Shuck


1. Weaver

2. Wilson

3. Vargas

4. Leake

5. Richards





De La Rosa




Edited by SigBaby
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What I would do:

Aybar for Cozart and Leake

Trumbo and Jepsen for Perkins pitching prospect (Kyle Gibson?)

Sign Eric Chavez

Sign Joe Smith

Re-sign Vargas, non-tender Hanson, release Blanton

1. Bourjos CF

2. Calhoun RF

3. Trout LF

4. Pujols 1b

5. Hamilton DH

6. Kendrick 2b

7. Chavez/ Jimenez 3b

8. Conger/ Ianetta C

9. Cozart SS

Conger/ Ianetta, Jimenez/Chavez, Green, Shuck

1. Weaver

2. Wilson

3. Vargas

4. Leake

5. Richards




De La Rosa




I honestly think we'd end up in third again with that rotation. The staff needs impact arms, not just a couple of number 4's

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I think we'd be downgrading if that trade is made. Leake had a good year, but he's really a number 4 or 5. He gives up a lot of hits and has an extremely low K/9, a mediocre NL pitcher like that would get demolished in the AL. The staff needs a top of the rotation starter or someone who has the potential to be. Now Cingrani on the other hand...... :)

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love to get Cingrani.  The Reds would be retarded beyond belief for trading him though.  I secretly want the bucs to struggle on offense during the playoffs so we can get one of their young starters for Trumbo. 


Also, still like the way they match up with Tampa.  I think they are going to be willing to trade Price this offseason yet I am not sure that would be a good idea. They can't sign him long term and his peripherals dropped off considerably this year.  They always seem to know when to get rid of a pitcher as well.  I also hope they don't get Hellickson. Never been a big fan. 


Archer and Moore are likely off limits.  Odorizzi and Cobb likely as well although I'd love to get one of these two.  They still have Colome, Romero as well a boatload of SP prospects.  I'm pretty sure their top 10 SP prospects are better than any in the halos system. 


I agree about trading Trumbo.  While 35/100 is sexy and what not, games are won with overall production. 

James Loney and Eric Hosmer had higher WAR than Mark.  Don't get me wrong, he'd be great to keep, but with Bourjos, Calhoun, Trout, Pujols and Hamilton as well as Shuck as a backup, there is plenty of depth there. 


Also, this may sound odd, but I'd trade Grant Green and Aybar before Howie.  I still believe the drop from Howie to Green is bigger than a drop from Aybar to Romine.  Somewhere in there in moving Aybar, Trumbo, Green, and maybe Bourjos could be a near major league ready SS prospect in addition to SP. 


The potential of Tanaka and what he could bring is still the key to this off season.  I'd start with him and work the pyramid down from there. 

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I agree with everything you say, Doc. As much as I want the Bucs to win it all, I'd rather have their offense fail them and force them to make a deal for a big bat. The two guys they tried to acquire at the trade deadline in July were Giancarlo Stanton and Mark Trumbo. The Marlins have stated that they're going to build around Stanton and are even willing to move in the fences for him. Being the small market team that they are, their only way to get a big bat would be through trade. I'm having a brain fart and can't think of a cheap slugger like Trumbo that'll be on the trading block this winter. If talks resume, Dipoto should definitely ask for Jameson Taillon in return for Trumbo.

As far as Kendrick goes, I wouldn't mind Grant Green being a stop gap for one season until Taylor Lindsey is ready in 2015.

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Dream big, I guess.

Blanton channels his inner Luke Hochevar, and kicks a__ as a reliever? 


Hochevar sucked to high &$*$* through 2012 as a starter.

Go to the pen in 2013, and he suddenly has a sub 1.00 WHIP, sub 2.00 ERA, and 82 Ks in 70 innings as a reliever?


Might as well see if the fix in Blanton's shoulder position does help, and if a conversion to permanent relief in 2014 would give the Halos a good reliever.   If not, then they can release him.

But get a new pitching coach in here!

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