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Thank you all ... really!


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NHL starts up this week -- so things are looking up.


New alignment ought to be interesting........


We don't have to play the darned Red Wngs as many times -- they're always tough.


Meanwhile,  I am watching the Halos/ Rangers game -  hope we can hold this 1-0 lead - and listening to Cleveland/ Minnesota game.


Ubaldo Jimenez, Cleveland starter has 11 K's through 7 innings........Indians lead 4-0. If they win today, they clinch the number 1 Wild Card Spot.


Tampa Bay is winning something like 7 to 3 last update I heard -- so if Halos can knock off Texas here, Texas is OUT.


Been a tough season for Halos fans and I've noticed the fall off here on the website, particularly as the obvious set in about late July.


But still, as Geoff states, appreciative of all the work that goes into maintaining this site and the folks here. Thanks all.


Next year.............(why do I feel so much like a Cubs fan as I type the 'next year' stuff...........?)

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Being here is about the only thing that helped me keep my sanity about this travesty of a season. The humor that some found in the worst of situations helped a lot.


At least I have my Braves, so this October won't be as empty as the last one was.

Edited by Vegas Halo Fan
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I've enjoyed trolling these waters for years. I appreciate this website and the guys and gals who post here. Looking forward to 2014 Angel baseball with better results.


Angels will always be first in my heart.


Just when you think you can't take another troll post, he hits you in the other special place.... awwww! :P

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