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What if we win out?


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Damn that's a decent record. If Pujols gets back to full health, Hamilton starts hitting like he can, and Richards pitches for a full year next year they will make the playoffs. They should just keep the team as it is.


Hamilton and Pujols hitting like their old selves would be the equivalent of two big-splash free agent signings.

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We're going to finish 5 games out of a wild card spot, and Scioscia and the coaches will keep their jobs.

No, for some reason I feel that Mike's days as field manager for the Angels are over. Butcher will most likely by gone as well. Dipoto maybe as well. I hope they win all the rest of their games, but it is too little, too late to save Sosh's job.

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Hamilton and Pujols hitting like their old selves would be the equivalent of two big-splash free agent signings.

LMAO, I am sure that is what the Angel brass is banking on.


 Pujols didn't live up to his billing and responsibilities the first season he was with the club. He couldn't use the foot excuse then. Hamilton has come around, but it is too little, too late - he is still a major disappointment.

Edited by EDinTUSTIN
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As long as we finish around .500 and cripple the Rangers playoff chances then I'm alright.

I'm not. 165 million dollar payroll is a bit high just to be relegated to playing the role of spoiler. Frankly, I don't care one iota if the Rangers or the A's win the West. It won't be the Angels, and that disappointment is all that really matters. I hope they sweep the Rangers, just like I was hoping that the Angels sweep the A's. The Angels did play well against them this time, and they have played well come mid-August on. Too little, too late - which has been their m.o. for the past 4 seasons. I am far from ok with it. I am pissed off, and though I am encouraged by the play as of late, it is simply bittersweet in the end.

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I'm actually slightly conflicted about beating the As right now.  I want them to win the division and I want Texas to continue to choke, but I also enjoy winning every game we can.  I have conflicting desires.

Rangers lose = everybody is happy...except of course those people in, you know, Texas.

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I'm not. 165 million dollar payroll is a bit high just to be relegated to playing the role of spoiler. Frankly, I don't care one iota if the Rangers or the A's win the West. It won't be the Angels, and that disappointment is all that really matters. I hope they sweep the Rangers, just like I was hoping that the Angels sweep the A's. The Angels did play well against them this time, and they have played well come mid-August on. Too little, too late - which has been their m.o. for the past 4 seasons. I am far from ok with it. I am pissed off, and though I am encouraged by the play as of late, it is simply bittersweet in the end.

Ed I understand your disappointment but your payroll estimation is slightly off, by slightly I mean about $30 million. I agree with your sentiments about this team should not be playing the role of spoiler, but that's where we're at. We might as well try to be that team that tuins the Rangers chances.

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