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WTF is with this bleeping weather?

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Is El Niño wimping out in Southern California? Not quite

Los Angeles is facing sunshine and warmth this week even as El Niño remains strong 1,000 to 2,000 miles south of California. It’s the third week without big storms this month. But El Niño is not wimping out. Here's what’s going on:  Why hasn’t El Niño brought us rain already in Los Angeles?

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I'll believe El Niño when I see it.

This is, iirc, record low SoCal precipitation through January for an El Niño.

El Nino's generally contribute to at least 20-25 inches of rain in a SoCal year.

What made this year different from others?

Edited by Angel Oracle
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I'll believe El Niño when I see it.

This is, iirc, record low SoCal precipitation through January for an El Niño.

El Nino's generally contribute to at least 20-25 inches of rain in a SoCal year.

What made this year different from others?

Wrong, two in five El Ninos are drier than normal.

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