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Angels hopeful of landing Ian Kennedy


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Sweet Je-sus, Dipoto does love to scrape the bottom of the NL West barrell...especially his beloved D-Backs.  He's not still working for them is he?


Just say no, even if it means for a bag of Artie's empties and assuming money...We already have Ian Kennedy on this team...actually 3 to 4 of them.

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I think it's hilarious that Toby Ziegler is hoping his brother is traded to AZ because Angels OF scene is way too full for Borenstein to fit in.  He must not realize the D-Backs have Kubel, Parra, Eaton, Pollock, Ross and Marte in their system. 


None of those guys are nearly as entrenched as Trout, Trumbo, and Hamilton. I think it's hilarious that you think offering Zach is a buy-low whereas Cowart et al are untouchable.


I guess we just have a different sense of humor.

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He wouldn't be a bad guy to take a chance on if you can get him for almost nothing. He was solid from 2010-2012 and would be a pretty big upgrade if he even pitches like he did in 2010 and 2012. He doesn't make too much and he will be arb. eligible a few more times. The Angels can always cut him if he blows up.


As long as the Angels can acquire him without giving up anything useful or valuable, I'm OK with this.

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I get the appeal for Dipoto. He's a guy he is familiar with from his time in Arizona. Kennedy's skillset matches up well with the Halos(flyball pitcher). He's probably thinking that they can buy low on a guy who has been hurt from playing in a small ballpark where the ball flies out and that in Anaheim his numbers will improve with the OF D + being in a pitcher friendly park that plays bigger. Sounds good in theory, just not sure it will play out that way

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Trumbo is entrenched in the OF? 


He's entrenched on the roster (be it at 1st now that Pujols is out or in the OF or DH).


Kubel isn't a long-term solution and is having a terrible season. Parra has always been regarded as a 4th OF. Ross is mediocre against righties and is more of a platoon player. Eaton is unproven. Pollock is similar to Ross. Marte is also unproven.


Yeah, I'd say it's safe to say that Trumbo is more entrenched than any of those guys.

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Is this like the Halos official trade deadline thread?





- Yankees apparently showing interest in Callaspo


The Angels have made nearly everyone available, as they try to rework their roster for next year and beyond. The Yankees have been looking for help at third base, and they don't appear to be Michael Young's first choice (or even his second).

Other teams have also asked the Angels about Callaspo, whose .671 OPS is more than 100 points higher than what Yankee third basemen have done so far.

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Is this like the Halos official trade deadline thread?





- Yankees apparently showing interest in Callaspo


The Angels have made nearly everyone available, as they try to rework their roster for next year and beyond. The Yankees have been looking for help at third base, and they don't appear to be Michael Young's first choice (or even his second).

Other teams have also asked the Angels about Callaspo, whose .671 OPS is more than 100 points higher than what Yankee third basemen have done so far.

Hmmm...you know you have a bad 3B option when Callaspo's OPS is 100 points higher then your best option. 

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