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When Will You See...The Wolverine

When Will You See...  

17 members have voted

  1. 1. The Wolverine

    • Theaters
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How many of these stupid movies are they going to make?


Avengers made what, a billion.  This is like reality tv.  One success means you ride that donkey till it's dead.  And the donkey is still chasing the carrot.  Although thankfully, reality tv is close to dead.

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This is worth the price of admission just for the post credits scene. Nerds will go crazy! I can't wait for Days of Future Past now! This movie was solid. A lot better than Origins, and there are a few "NO EFFIN WAY THAT JUST HAPPENED!" moments.

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This was one of those odd type movies.  I wanted to like it, and it told a story of Wolverine.  But to me, it had a feeling of a movie made to set up the next movie.  It was entertaining, but borderline on worth the admission.  


I think I liked the Wolverine Origins more than The Wolverine.

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I really enjoyed it. The action scenes, especially towards the beginning of the movie, are top notch. I thought they did a decent job fleshing out the different allegences duringthe first 2/3rds of the movie. Logan's mental anguish from the third movie (and seriously, who didn't have mental anguish from that movie) is handled well. Him having to deal with being puesdo-mortal was also well done. The movie does lose it towards the end and the ending feels weak compared to the first 2/3rds of the movie but overall I really did enjoy it.

I have to say that the movie pushes the PG-13 label as far as I think I've seen it go. Definetely not a movie for the normal young comic book obsessed kids.

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