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Texas Rangers sign Manny Ramirez

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Doesnt he still need to finish serving a suspension or two?

Ramirez played in just five games for the Rays in 2011 before testing positive for elevated testosterone, which would have netted him a 100-game suspension ( MLB reduced it to 50 games). He agreed to retire instead and when he returned in 2012 in the A's system, he served a 50-game suspension in the minors. Unable to get into a groove, he eventually took his release from Oakland.

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My thoughts: BOO on you Rangers. Not that you have a history of being a class act or anything anyway. 


This is why I'm a 2 strikes and you're out advocate when it comes to the suspensions/bans. 


Manny is not good for baseball anymore. Period. 

Texas gets a PED user for 500K on a MILB deal. LAA gets a former heroin user for 125 million on a Major League deal. Tell me who the classless franchise is...

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I dont like the sound of that. Him in that ballpark and his history of dominating the Angels. That ballpark once brought back a almost dead big daddy vladdy

It is not as if they are not 10 games ahead of us now. Manny is the epitome of washed up, he makes Pujols look newly minted.

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Texas gets a PED user for 500K on a MILB deal. LAA gets a former heroin user for 125 million on a Major League deal. Tell me who the classless franchise is...


Pretty obvious you're someone who still can't seem to let go of Hamiltons drug past despite his success in quitting and making something of himself via Major League Baseball.


Repeatedly referring to it as some sort of tool to throw low blows says all you have to know about someone with no class.

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