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Puig again

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The Angels get plenty of attention for Trout, but the amount of attention Puig is getting is absurd. He's a free swinging hacker that's seeing the ball really well right now, yet the media is acting like he's Roberto Clemente.


Bitter? Hell no. Taking up too much of my MLB Network airtime, yes! 


I'm glad you grew up though. It's about time Dodgers fan! 

Took me long enough! People thought I was a d-bag when I got mad about stuff like that. Once I realized I made sure to do my best not to look that way. It avoids making myself look like an idiot, because I've got many many other ways to do that! :)

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Took me long enough! People thought I was a d-bag when I got mad about stuff like that. Once I realized I made sure to do my best not to look that way. It avoids making myself look like an idiot, because I've got many many other ways to do that! :)



Oh I know you.

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The only reason hes getting so much attention is due to the fact that hes an international player. Look at other huge talents from other countries who got attention like this. Ichiro and Matsui got the same treatment when they came over. Trout was expected to be a top prospect and perform (which he did) and hes American. If he was from Europe and came over and did this then he'd be the biggest star in MLB.

LOL what? Puig isn't getting so much attention because he's international. He's getting attention because right now he is on fire. When the fire dwindles, and you can bet it will, the attention will dwindle as well. 

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Yep...and Puig just caught stealing 2nd. He has been horrible on the basepaths this year.

Eh, he's just a little reckless this so far. It just also means he's taking chances, and that's what this team has needed. His second hit would have been gone in any stadium not Coors or Camden with the high right field walls. :(

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Eh, he's just a little reckless this so far. It just also means he's taking chances, and that's what this team has needed. His second hit would have been gone in any stadium not Coors or Camden with the high right field walls. :(

Here is a comment people have said....never

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Puig is good for baseball.  I don't understand the hate...  Maybe he's not the next Roberto Clemente - that doesn't mean baseball fans can' t enjoy what he's done so far.  I don't even mind the hype - after all, in this age of social media, the internet and the multitude of media outlets, it's come with the territory.  You can always un-plug if it bugs you that much.

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LOL what? Puig isn't getting so much attention because he's international. He's getting attention because right now he is on fire. When the fire dwindles, and you can bet it will, the attention will dwindle as well. 

I'm not saying that's the ONLY reason. Obviously his stats and his performance are reason why, but the fact hes an international player is amplifying it. That's the point I'm trying to make.

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I'm not saying that's the ONLY reason. Obviously his stats and his performance are reason why, but the fact hes an international player is amplifying it. That's the point I'm trying to make.

I doubt it. If he was an american player doing the same thing, he'd be getting the same attention. 

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