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Does Hamilton Even Care


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No sorry, I cannot.  Tim Naehring, is just a liar and decided to tell me of the conversation just to make him look bad years before the Angels signed Josh Hamilton.  



So, since it's not on public record you are free to consider it all a lie.  


I'm just full of shit and I'm cool with you thinking that.    I was also full of shit when I told M's fan friends of mine that Brett Boone was going to blow up because another mutual friend of mine had tipped me off to his having found the benefits of chemically enhancing his body PRIOR to the 2001 season.   I couldn't point to any articles then either -- So Shawn Ray was a liar too.

Wow, talk about an over reaction. WTH is that about IP?

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It seems like it wouldn't take 7 years for pitchers to figure that out.

Well, there's also the fact he's not catching up to the stuff off the plate like he used to. He could hit some of those bad pitches in previous years, so something has changed.


But they've been throwing him mostly garbage from early on this year. He was still getting a lot of fastballs over the plate the first part of last year, when he was raking.

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Stradling... I agree!  It's funny to watch how people react to IP, who actually provides some substance and real insight into most of the discussions here. 

uh, you might want to look at how he reacted when asked for some verification on Gaetti. 

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Wow, talk about an over reaction. WTH is that about IP?


You're right and I apologize.   FTR, my point was just to say point blank I couldn't point to anything, and that I was cool with my comments being thought of as noise.  


I didn't mean for it to come off as confrontational as it did, quite the opposite, was actually trying to imply I understood if people were to think it was a case of some message board moron running his mouth.


Hope that clears it up.


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You're right and I apologize.   FTR, my point was just to say point blank I couldn't point to anything, and that I was cool with my comments being thought of as noise.  


I didn't mean for it to come off as confrontational as it did, quite the opposite, was actually trying to imply I understood if people were to think it was a case of some message board moron running his mouth.


Hope that clears it up.


thanks for ruining our fun, sport

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Yea, I don't understand this post at all.

"Wouldn't be the first time. But we've learned that has never been the case with you. Congrats on still being undefeated LT."


perhaps it has something to do with you referring to me never being wrong or implying that I never admit error. It's typical defensive retort by posters I have much less respect for than you Stradling.

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