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Official 2021-22 Hot Stove League Thread.

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4 minutes ago, CanadianHalo said:


We do this every year Strad. We need two more legit starters. Ray/Stroman and a trade for Sonny Gray would play. But that up there, nah.

I agree with you about years past, but having Ohtani, Syndergaard, and Ray headlining the rotation seems rather good to me.  3 guys who are SP2 caliber or better.

The key part will be how Sandoval, Suarez, and Lorenzen perform.  Luckily, we would actually have pretty good depth, as Canning and Detmers would essentially start off in AAA, then would be ready to step in as needed.  I think with the rotation you have outlined, we'd have considerable SP depth, which is something we have historically been missing.

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