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Need some help East Coasters

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I have some friends that do that. Not a lot of stability and I'm not sure how they make it work, but they just travel from place to place every few years living in Hollywood, NYC, Providence, Hawaii, and Chicago just within the past ten years. Not saying that's your goal, but I think it's cool when people can just pack up and move somewhere to experience life.

Hah, I don't think I could ever do that. I've only moved once in my life and that was from Camarillo to Santa Barbara for a year. That's another reason I'm doing it. I've always been pretty predictable and never really ventured out into the world. I want to challenge myself and see if I can do it.

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Keep in mind, depending on how much stuff you take with you, it costs damn near 10k to move to the east coast after you consider the cost of movers, deposits, misc expenses, gas, etc.  We have been seriously looking at a move to the Milwaukee area and the only thing that has stopped us from going this summer is the cost of the move.  It will probably happen but it is damn expensive.

Good point, Nate. I won't be taking too many things. Just what I can fit in my car. (Clothes, TV, PS4, Macbook, and a few other select things) I can only imagine how much I'll dish out on gas. Probably close to a grand.

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Good point, Nate. I won't be taking too many things. Just what I can fit in my car. (Clothes, TV, PS4, Macbook, and a few other select things) I can only imagine how much I'll dish out on gas. Probably close to a grand.


Ah, ok.  You don't have a bed or anything that you are taking with you?

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My friends I mentioned above made the mistake of living in the city. It's just expensive as shit. If I remember correctly they learned their lesson quick and moved across the river to NJ.

Outside of your boss hooking you up, do you have work/career plans for out there?

Honestly, I have no idea. For the most part I see this as a 1 year experiment and after the year I'll probably be back here continuing on my path. Just feel like its something I need to do. With the 3 years of experience in the wireless field, I think I could land a solid gig for the year out there. As long as I get a job that pays the bills and allows me to live somewhat comfortably. I know I won't be as financially stable as I am right now, but that's part of the fun for me.

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No job and you want to try living on the East Coast. Why limit yourself to NY?

It might be worth your effort spending a little time in the areas surrounding DC. A lot of good paying jobs and some pretty nice areas. Hey, you could even join a kickball league and play on the National Mall.

Oh, and you don't have to worry about traffic as much. Metro system is clean and well thought out.

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