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Hanford Guy's Hijacked Memes Thread


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In the "what's the point" section of your local grocery store.









Great name for a chocolate product.





Harvested from only the finest lesbian cows.





Did you know that snack food bags are also useful for auto repair?

Edited by Vegas Halo Fan
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The point is that they taste like chicken and no animals had to be murdered.


If anyone believes that any imitation product tastes like meat, either they have never tried the imitation product or they have never tasted meat. I haven't found one yet that is anything past remotely edible.

Edited by Vegas Halo Fan
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If anyone believes that any imitation product tastes like meat, either they have never tried the imitation product or they have never tasted meat. I haven't found one yet that is anything past remotely edible.


That's an interesting observation. I ate meat for almost 30 years and consume meatless producs on a regular basis and I have to say that I disagree with you. Sure, there are some products out there that are terrible, but there are a lot that are quite similar to the taste and texture of meat. If you haven't found one yet that is anything past remotely edible then you aren't looking hard enough.

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That's an interesting observation. I ate meat for almost 30 years and consume meatless producs on a regular basis and I have to say that I disagree with you. Sure, there are some products out there that are terrible, but there are a lot that are quite similar to the taste and texture of meat. If you haven't found one yet that is anything past remotely edible then you aren't looking hard enough.

This is a clean peanut search that none of us which to venture.
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That's an interesting observation. I ate meat for almost 30 years and consume meatless producs on a regular basis and I have to say that I disagree with you. Sure, there are some products out there that are terrible, but there are a lot that are quite similar to the taste and texture of meat. If you haven't found one yet that is anything past remotely edible then you aren't looking hard enough.


The wife is vegetarian, so we have a lot of said products in the house, including some that she says are the best out there in terms of meat substitutes. I would never mistake one for the other.

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The wife is vegetarian, so we have a lot of said products in the house, including some that she says are the best out there in terms of meat substitutes. I would never mistake one for the other.

Yeah, I suppose you can tell the difference. Maybe I've just grown used to the meatless stuff. It's been over twelve years since I ate a dead animal, so maybe I've forgotten what a carcass tastes like.

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I hope this person is ok although I suspect that they are in whatever hell people who drive like this go to.  Seriously when people drive like this it is hard for me not to root for them to wreck their car or get pulled over.


I believe that we just watched the end of someone's life. I can't imagine there being enough left of that vehicle to even identify the driver.

Edited by Vegas Halo Fan
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