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Writers Guild of America Lists the 101 Best Written TV Shows of All Time

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Mad Men isn't even finished but may end up being #1 by the time it's finished. I was surprised it was ahead of The Wire.

I haven't seen it, but looking at that list, I'm surprised The Shield isn't on there based on reviews and word of mouth.

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Mad Men isn't even finished but may end up being #1 by the time it's finished. I was surprised it was ahead of The Wire.

I haven't seen it, but looking at that list, I'm surprised The Shield isn't on there based on reviews and word of mouth.


Shield was on there tied for 71.

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I wonder if they are basing it off of a mean, median, or a high water mark. Like SNL has some amazingly high points but it is the definition of hit or miss. A lot of the scifi too. MASH's first 4 or 5 seasons was amazing but they started running out of prime material.

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Consider it lost.  I gave up when I saw how high up '30 Rock' was on this list.  I could write that show in my sleep.  Throw in some hipster-isms and feed a few lines to the bearded fat guy with the kooky hats and you got yourself an episode.


Let's just say that who ever voted from the WGA never saw the Miami Vice episode "Evan."



DowningRules is going to lose his shit when he sees Miami Vice didn't make the list.

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Dowtown Abbey?  My wife watches that.  I could watch season 1 with her, season 2 turned chick, season 3 was an unwatchable soap opera.  Season one was interesting when they explained how a house was ran and the different classes worked.  Once that was established, it was all chick flick soap opera crap.


Sherlock, needs to be on the list.  IMO, there has been nothing better on TV in the past 5 years.  That show is just completely awesome.  Can't wait for season 3!!

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Dowtown Abbey? My wife watches that. I could watch season 1 with her, season 2 turned chick, season 3 was an unwatchable soap opera. Season one was interesting when they explained how a house was ran and the different classes worked. Once that was established, it was all chick flick soap opera crap.

I've only seen season 1 but its maintained a very high user rating so I assumed that it would stay good. Guess I'll have to see about that.

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