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The shady origins of five popular board games

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my dad invented a board game called tin pan alley, where you went from a nobody to a successful music composer/publisher. he even made his own tokens and rewards - there was a gold record that both me and my brother always wanted to win.


sadly he never published his game.

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my dad is a starter, not a finisher, wallerrrr.


besides, someone else already came out with a game by the same name. my dad's version is probably long gone by now, too.


would've been pretty cool if he had actually followed through on this one.

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never too late tank!



my dad invented a board game called tin pan alley, where you went from a nobody to a successful music composer/publisher. he even made his own tokens and rewards - there was a gold record that both me and my brother always wanted to win.


sadly he never published his game.

 But now your R&D costs will be much higher since you can't have a non-electric board game anymore.  The game has to count for you, keep track of money, do all the math, make beeps and whistles, and roll the dice for you.  Good luck!

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