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Disneyland Annual Passholders

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How many people on here have a annual pass? I have the SoCal annual pass. I usually go on Sundays since I work M-F and I'm blocked out on Saturdays.


Did anyone do the 24 hour thing last night? I went around 12am and left at 6 am. It was packed! I was only able to get on Pirates of the Caribbean and Tower of Terror.

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It must have been like grad night, except adults doing the nasty everywhere.


It was Grad Night actually.


I have a pass and I ended up going to Disneyland for the 24 hour event.  I was there from 11:30 am to about 3 am.  It was pretty packed but it wasn't anything like I've seen on New Years Eve.  That day just brings a whole new meaning to being packed.  But it was Grad Night (they closed half of CA Adventure from 10pm-3am for them) and it was also the day the graduating 8th graders go for the day, so there were tons of schools there.

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Don't have a pass but we are taking my Daughter on the 14th to celebrate her finishing Kindergarten.  Hope it isn't too packed but I am sure it will be.  $120 per person... What ever happened to $40 for So Cal residents?

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Yea, I guess.  We haven't been since my daughter was born and she is almost 6 now.  120 bucks per person is just insane.  I was never a fan of Disneyland anyway.


the single park one-day is around 90. how are you getting a price of 120? are you buying it from st1ck or something?

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It's going to be a long, crowded day at Disneyland, you may not even want to head over there. If it wasn't for Ariel's Grotto or Cars Land, I'd say don't even bother with DCA with a 6 year old...


Yeah I think we are going to go on Monday instead.  Hopefully it isn't as bad.  Cars is one of her favorite movies so we have to hit up Cars Land.  We wont spend much time there.  We already have the park hopper passes.  I am sure Abby will be tired of the place by mid day and we will miss a bunch of the park but as long as she has fun it will be a success.

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Yea, I guess.  We haven't been since my daughter was born and she is almost 6 now.  120 bucks per person is just insane.  I was never a fan of Disneyland anyway.


Wasn't that $40 So-Cal resident a Disneyland only ticket?


Keep in mind they've made a billion dollars worth of improvements at California Adventure with the new entrance, Little Mermaid, and Cars Land. If you divide admission as $60 per park, you're only paying $20 more per ticket above that $40 So-Cal rate. I understand it is pricey, but I honestly think with all the things you can do in 1 day at both parks, considering the product itself is above and beyond anything else you'll get at a theme park in Southern California, it's really not that bad. 


I think whats more insane is imagining how crowded it would be if it was $40 for admission. 

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They just raised prices again today. Park Hoppers are now $137 and they've raised the price on all of their passes by $20.

That's great! I'm always worried that the happiest place on earth may just be barely squeaking by, what with only 10 billion of their videos in circulation, maybe only 5 billion t-shirts scattered here and there, and long lines at all of their parks. After all, a mouse has to eat.

Maybe Latrell sprewell is their new CEO.

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