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Las Vegas Shooting

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25 minutes ago, Thomas said:

Because the alternative is that nothing is going to change or get better. Ever.  That is simply too terrifying and unpleasant to process mentally. You cannot overcome that level of cognitive bias.

I read something recently along the lines of "the moment you fix something, you become useless." The Dems have been doing it to the inner cities for years, and the Repubs have been doing it to the poor whites for years. A poor, uneducated, and thus dissatisfied voter base keeps the political machine rolling.

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3 minutes ago, Lou said:

1. You really don't believe this is what they actually do, do you? 

2. They were bashing him 24/7. You make it sound like they were campaigning for him. They bashed and bashed, then..."let's go to (insert lib's name here) to get their opinion)"

Anyone with an ounce of sense could see that all this did was rile up the Trump supporters. Trump also went on tv anytime he was asked to do so. Hillary hid for months before the election. Wouldn't even do a press conference. How dem leaders allowed this to happen is mind-boggling. They spent twice as much as Trump - $1.2 BILLION .Think about that.


Holy shit. 

1. You actually believe they make up stories to support a liberal narrative? Let's look at the mainstream media closely: who are they? They are all owned by giant media conglomerates, so why would the media conglomerates allow a narrative on their airwaves that goes directly and purposefully against their interests? The news is a loss leader for them, they have to provide it as part of their agreement with the FCC that allows them to use the public airwaves, so it's certainly not about ratings.

2. Funny how you see them "bashing him 24/7". All I saw was "Trump spoke here" and "Trump spoke there" and "Trump spoke in front of this crowd in this location". The only time he was "bashed" was when they had talking heads/analysts discussing what he did or didn't say, and then, they always had a Trump supporter on. But they were covering him, a lot. He even got to host an episode of "SNL" after he kicked off his campaign.

Honestly, I believe he (and his followers) have a persecution complex that is both unwarranted and unhealthy. As I mentioned before, his followers believe that any story that isn't complimentary toward Trump is therefore "fake news". And yet, he keeps doing stuff (tweeting) that can't help but make it seem that the media is going after him...just by reporting it.

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54 minutes ago, Lou said:

Found out early the next morning that two of my nieces were at the concert. To hear them describe it was horrifying. Actually,  only one of them could actually get herself to talk about it. The other one tried but would just start crying. She was supposed to be back in Missouri for classes, but she came home for a couple of days instead. It just breaks my heart that those two girls had to experience something so tragic.

Innocence can be lost in an instant. 

Im generally pretty numb to this stuff. Every now and then ill see something at work that gets to me, but ive been doing it long enough that i dont really get too caught up.

This one is different because of the fact i had a few friends there. Not other cops, veterans, etc. Two pretty upbeat, carefree girls. Its weird. I feel more like a parent/child towards the one ive dated over any relationship feeling. 

Basically, if i was there instead of her, i could (likely) cope. Im already damaged goods emotionally to things like this. But i know she isnt. Nor are the other two i know there. Theyre going to have it bad for a long, long time. And i feel at a total loss, because there isnt anything i can do to help.

I can reach out, check in to see how theyre doing. But i wasnt there. And in my experience, as much as you appreciate people trying to help, its always kind of in the back of your head "thanks, but you wouldnt understand. You cant."

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8 minutes ago, ten ocho recon scout said:

I wonder how soon until Mandalay Bay gets fingers pointed at them, for allowing this guy to bring in all his rifles, not having more security, etc.

There's already finger pointing because I see people asking how he was able to get everything in when they apparently have never been to Vegas or most hotels.  Any time I've gone to a hotel I've never seen bags scanned or searched and when someone pays the bellhop to bring them up to the room they do it without thinking twice because that's one way they get tipped and they've never had a reason to think twice until now.  I'm sure somewhere in the world the bags are scanned or checked but Las Vegas is a constant flow of people coming and going.  Part of Vegas' allure is the fact that you can fly or drive in on Friday, tie one on and be home and back to work on Monday.  I mean their motto is "what happens in Vegas..."

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1 hour ago, Chuckster70 said:


That's the problem. You believe that anything that is reported that doesn't have a certain perspective automatically makes it left-wing. You see a propaganda device, apparently, because they aren't unabashedly right-wing. I've got news for you Chuck, the majority of Americans are not. Most are somewhere in the middle, but lean left socially.

I presume you think Fox News is actually "fair and balanced"?

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8 minutes ago, Mark68 said:

That's the problem. You believe that anything that is reported that doesn't have a certain perspective automatically makes it left-wing. You see a propaganda device, apparently, because they aren't unabashedly right-wing. I've got news for you Chuck, the majority of Americans are not. Most are somewhere in the middle, but lean left socially.

I presume you think Fox News is actually "fair and balanced"?

With all due respect, Mark, I don't watch national news networks on TV's outside of major events, I listen to commentary on the radio and local/national news on the radio up here, going to work and coming home.  Up here in Seattle, it leans left obviously, but I have my own opinions so I'm not swayed. That said, if a person who was lukewarm on Trump at election time has tuned into either of these networks, I can guarantee you that they now hate him with a passion after all the shit they talk on their networks about him. You don't see this on other networks who don't lean left, world news networks.  

If you think that the MSNBC's and CNN's of the world are not after Pres. Trump then you're clearly naive. 

FTR, I am not in favor of his social media antics and some other stuff. I voted for him because he's fiscally a better fit for the POTUS than Hillary, plus I cannot stand that bitch. 

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26 minutes ago, Mark68 said:

That's the problem. You believe that anything that is reported that doesn't have a certain perspective automatically makes it left-wing. You see a propaganda device, apparently, because they aren't unabashedly right-wing. I've got news for you Chuck, the majority of Americans are not. Most are somewhere in the middle, but lean left socially.

I presume you think Fox News is actually "fair and balanced"?

here is my best explanation of the bias.  I often listen to POTUS on satellite radio.  This station makes a big deal about the fact that they are not bias, that they are just reporting things.  

It is bunk, the majority of their hosts are liberal and the majority of their guests are liberal.

I listen because I like politics and they are closest to being neutral which again proves that they lean left.

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1 hour ago, Catwhoshatinthehat said:

There's already finger pointing because I see people asking how he was able to get everything in when they apparently have never been to Vegas or most hotels.  Any time I've gone to a hotel I've never seen bags scanned or searched and when someone pays the bellhop to bring them up to the room they do it without thinking twice because that's one way they get tipped and they've never had a reason to think twice until now.  I'm sure somewhere in the world the bags are scanned or checked but Las Vegas is a constant flow of people coming and going.  Part of Vegas' allure is the fact that you can fly or drive in on Friday, tie one on and be home and back to work on Monday.  I mean their motto is "what happens in Vegas..."

I don't think I've ever gone to a hotel anywhere in the world that has ever scanned or searched bags.  

The big liability for the hotel will be if he brought everything up at one time.  Then you have to question why you need some 10 suitcases that were heavy as shit.  Then again, with the amount of conventions that goes on in Vegas, it might not be an out of the ordinary thing.  I just got out of a meeting with someone and they said they were just at Mandalay Bay for a cosmetics convention, so really all they have to say is it is samples and display things.  But around the world, hotels may change because of what happened.  Just like airports changed after 9/11.

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Even if it wasn't for a convention I've seen individuals or couples roll in with two carts full of luggage that get delivered to their room.  I expect hotels in Vegas to basically have TSA style security as far as metal detectors and/or bag scanners.  It's going to hurt Vegas' bottom line when people can't just drop their bags off and start gambling/drinking/partying but unfortunately that's what it's come to.  

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i go to hotel with bags of camera equipment. Never once is there a blink of an eye. 


The answer to what should be done about guns is better hotel security?

We'be saddled ourselves with huge lines and security scans to get in to airports, ballparks, amusement parks, museums, schools...and now we are going to add hotels? fuck howdy can you imagine how much this costs the economy along with just continuing to give away our rights...it's as if we've decided a radicalized interpretation of the second amendment has superseded everything, including the rest of the constitution. 


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16 minutes ago, Catwhoshatinthehat said:

Even if it wasn't for a convention I've seen individuals or couples roll in with two carts full of luggage that get delivered to their room.  I expect hotels in Vegas to basically have TSA style security as far as metal detectors and/or bag scanners.  It's going to hurt Vegas' bottom line when people can't just drop their bags off and start gambling/drinking/partying but unfortunately that's what it's come to.  

And that, if they implement it, will get huge blowback.  People won't want their bondage gear and dildos searched.  

But I can see them start doing residue tests as a non evasive way to check bags.  Check for gunpowder and explosive residue.  


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1 hour ago, mtangelsfan said:

here is my best explanation of the bias.  I often listen to POTUS on satellite radio.  This station makes a big deal about the fact that they are not bias, that they are just reporting things.  

It is bunk, the majority of their hosts are liberal and the majority of their guests are liberal.

I listen because I like politics and they are closest to being neutral which again proves that they lean left.

Don't you think that's because the majority (not necessarily a vast majority, but a majority nonetheless) of Americans is liberal? Bigger sample size.

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1 hour ago, mtangelsfan said:

here is my best explanation of the bias.  I often listen to POTUS on satellite radio.  This station makes a big deal about the fact that they are not bias, that they are just reporting things.  

It is bunk, the majority of their hosts are liberal and the majority of their guests are liberal.

I listen because I like politics and they are closest to being neutral which again proves that they lean left.

I think it depends on the medium as well. Can't speak for radio since I don't listen to it but traditional TV news and their online sites tend to lean left, while online platforms (Reddit, Yahoo, even Facebook), tend to lean right, which explains Trump's ability to rally his voter base through those channels. 

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15 minutes ago, Mark68 said:

Don't you think that's because the majority (not necessarily a vast majority, but a majority nonetheless) of Americans is liberal? Bigger sample size.

No, I don't.  I think most Americans are right in the middle. 

I am also not understanding your counter to my point.  So media bias is ok because a majority of americans lean toward that bias?  Wouldn't that be even more reason to not be biased

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4 hours ago, Lou said:

Here's what I don't get. Why in the hell do people living in these shit areas continue to vote democratic?  The blues are supposed to be the party that really cares about " those people" and continually rant on and on about how unfair it is that we aren't taking care of their problems. Well, nothing has gotten better for them, even with all of this "support". Why continue to support the dems? They lived in shit conditions 20 years ago, and in 2017, they still do. 

i think it's somewhat similar to people who live in muslim countries that want to be declared a muslim state. they are countries that hardly do anything to make more opportunities for a better life of the people that live there. it seems to be all about blind obedience. meanwhile, those countries continue to offer relatively nothing of substance to the outside world, except for oil.

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51 minutes ago, AngelsFaninGA said:

I think it depends on the medium as well. Can't speak for radio since I don't listen to it but traditional TV news and their online sites tend to lean left, while online platforms (Reddit, Yahoo, even Facebook), tend to lean right, which explains Trump's ability to rally his voter base through those channels. 


Outside of the right leaning subreddits, Reddit is as left as it gets.

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I will say this--I've opposed conservative POTUSes before (Bush, Reagan). But they were more reasonable and more grounded in their ideology and were (for the most part) coming from a reasonable viewpoint (that I disagreed with) and were willing to meet the Dems halfway in order for the government to continue to function (especially Reagan).

I don't see that from Trump. First, I don't see that he is grounded in any ideology or belief system (other than what benefits Trump--and he needs to stop using the third person--that's pretty much the ultimate in douchebaggery), that he just flies by the seat of his pants (or by his itchy Twitter finger). I do know this: he does not respond to ANY criticism. At all. He is so thin-skinned, and I knew this before the election (I didn't need to watch "liberal media" to see that...just had to look at Twitter). There really is no precedent to how thin-skinned he is. Just look at his Twitter rants--anybody that says something even slightly derogatory gets his wrath. Added to that his perceived need to be the best at everything (including having the biggest inauguration crowd...ever!) makes it seem like he has little self-esteem. He might be the first head of state to go to war because of a pissing contest on Twitter.

I also have VERY grave concerns about how he got elected and whether he is beholden to Russia and/or Putin. If they indeed meddled in our election process, that is a very serious breach of international norms (at the very least). If they have something on him on which they can blackmail him, that should make ALL Americans concerned. I do believe he is using the office of the Presidency to enrich himself and his family, which violates the emoluments clause of the Constitution, and is generally not befitting the office (not to mention how that can affect our foreign policy decisions).

He dismissed Comey, saying outright that it was because of the "whole Russia thing". That's obstruction of justice. Nixon didn't get away with that shit.

I have many other concerns about this particular occupant of the White House concerning how he acts, how he says things in public, and his general demeanor. These are NOT concerns I've had before. Trump is a special breed and I, for one, am looking forward to the conclusion of the Mueller investigation, whatever the findings are. I do think that where there is smoke, there is most likely fire.

If Trump of one of his lackeys dismisses Mueller, that will lead to a constitutional crisis the likes of which hasn't been seen in over 40 years...and maybe not for 140.

But his base really doesn't give a shit. That's what's unsettling. I believe that Trump is horrible for our country in a way that is totally unprecedented, and his base couldn't care less. He's horrible for his base, too, but they don't see it.

Maybe they will when he does nothing about the opioid crisis, or climate change, or improving healthcare (and none of these "Trumpcare" plans actually would have done so), or their taxes go up. But, maybe they'll just keep buying the crap he's selling, because blacks, and Muslims, and Mexicans, and lazy deadbeat Puerto Ricans.

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