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Gameday: 8/30 A's@Angels

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Sorry, took me about 15 minutes to transcribe this but can someone interpret this for me from the pregame show. 

"You know, almost like when we were talking earlier about Kole Calhoun, Tim, and you can, ya know, relate to this, is, players that are involved in that moment, whether they're catching or throwing or talking about controlling the running game, but also for Maldonado when he is on the bases. One of the things that Ron Roenicke said when he got him, ya know, recommended him to come to the Angels, is he's done whatever it is he's allowed to do in that moment meaning, base running, moving a guy over, and that's exactly what you want, that separation from a player not getting caught up in the negative, one way or the other too."

Jose Mota

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I've been one of the biggest Albert supporters on this board, but I'm legitimately losing my patience now.

They need to bump him for a few games either to the bench or lower in the lineup and pass off one of those "he needs to clear his head" or "he's working through some things" excuses. 

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