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The Official Jered Weaver Appreciation Thread


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I'm not an Angels fan by any means but Weaver was one of my favorite players to watch back in the day. Dude was good for many seasons with the Angels and although he had a good fastball back in the day, he was a guy who was good at mixing in a lot of his pitches. Which was why he was so good for many seasons despite never being a hard thrower. Best pitcher in Angels history, IMO.

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He obviously fell off, but i never could understand why he got so much flack from some fans the last few years....yes, he fell off badly, but the staff as a ehole pretty much sucked. Not like he was taking someones job.

When he was in his prime, he was phenom for us. Not just on the field, but in the clubhouse.

Ill always remember the (short lived) weaver/haren duo (2011) as one of our best times. No offense, but that 1-2 punch was one of the best this team has ever had.

And i like that weaver always kept the adenhart memory going.

Oh yeah, f*ck detroit. Lol

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Jered Weaver gave everything he had as an Angel player..the dude left it all on the field when he pitched.

His contribution to Angels baseball is very appreciated by this Angel fan and I have to say the bashing he took from some here the last couple of years bothered me. All Weaver wanted to do was to give his very best effort every time he pitched and to win games for the Angels..he expected no less from himself.

So thanks for the memories Jered, you can now take your place in Angel lore as one of the great pitchers in franchise history.


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