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On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being really shocking), if the Angels win 98 games (like they did in 2014), how surprse would you be?


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I actually think it's quite possible for the Angels to win that many games again. You look at their offense. Trout, Pujols, Calhoun, Cron, Escobar, Valbuena, and Maybin are all coming off of outstanding seasons with the bat. Richards looked really good in 6 starts last year before going down, Shoemaker was back to his 2014 form when he began throwing a lot more splitters, and Nolasco did pretty well when he got traded to the Angels. Bedrosian was great last year and if Street bounces back or someone like a JC Ramirez develops into a solid 8th inning guy, the Angels will have a good bullpen.

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6. Baseball's weird, man. I'll shade a bit to the surprised side of the spectrum, but especially before the season starts, I'll maintain optimism. Strange things happen every year to every team in every sort of situation. All it takes is a career season here, an injury to an opposing team there, and some luck and things can fly any direction, and radically so.

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If we recall '14, at no time was the whole staff clicking. Santiago started out 0-7. Wilson tanked around mid-season. Skaggs and Richards got hurt. Frieri imploded. What held the pitching together was the pen depth that came later in the season. With the number of arms available it's plausible that they could patch together a strong pen sooner rather than later.

The lineup also had hits with both Calhoun and Hamilton injuries and half a season of Ibanez. We had timely hitting and some good backup work from Green and Cowgill

Trout was MVP that year despite lower than normal numbers because it was a down year for big offensive seasons. I think he spends a lot of time this year jogging to 1st so it's important to have fewer blackholes and that seems to be the case.

Any or all these things could happen so while winning 98 isn't likely it's not as out of the question as we all may believe. It's all about the timing of events

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30 minutes ago, Oz27 said:

How likely is it that a scientist invents a Mike Trout cloning machine between now and opening day? That is probably what would be needed.

Or the pitching is healthy, Skaggs becomes who Dipoto thought he was, twice.  And somehow, someway the pen is above league average.  

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Probably an 8. There is upside to win on this team and Trout can make any team exceed its highest hopes. It would take a real confluence of defense, hitting, and particularly pitching (more than one of those reclamation projects hitting the jackpot basically) for it to happen.

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9 for me.  I think 85 wins is a 50/50 chance.  I worry about the bullpen especially, too many unknowns and possible injury bug-a-boos.  Actually the starters will take awhile to get going again, and the depth isn't quite there yet.  I am really looking forward to 2018 though.  Hamilton is off the books, and we get some TJ surgery guys back.  I think the unpredictability in baseball is due to the randomness and frequency of injuries more than just about anything.  

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7 or 8. I mean, on one hand I'd say a 9 or a 10 because the team's talent level seems more like ~85 wins, and that's assuming generally good health. But as Scotty pointed out in a recent article, it isn't a stretch to see this team win 90+ games and there are very few true 98-win teams; 98 win teams are usually 90 or maybe 95 win teams who had a bit of luck. The 2014 team is a good example of that.


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I'd be shocked (10) if the Angels won 98 games this upcoming season. (it would be great though) 

Mainly I think the pitching staff as a whole has way too many question marks to expect a 98 win season. Garrett Richards alone is a yuuuuge question mark and I'm surprised that so many here seem to think he's a lock to be our number 1 starter. I'd also be shocked if he pitches more than 100 innings. The Angels really need to acquire a solid #1 or #2 starter before the season starts if they're going to win 90 games or more..where that might come from I don't know.

For the Angels to win 98 games it would require Garrett Richards to pitch 200 innings or more and win at least 18 games..I just can't imagine that happening. 

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