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So my iPhone 5 is finally crapping the bed...what to get?

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Quick background: I had an HTC One for a couple years, which was OK but a bit glitchy. Can't remember what happened, but it eventually died (after I returned the first one) and rather than buy a new phone I used my wife's old iPhone 5(s?) when upgraded, for the last year or so. But this phone--which has been in service for three years now, I think--is terminal: the screen is flickering and dark, and physically pulling away from the case. So my question: what to get?

I am not one of those folks that "has to have" the latest technology (obviously, if you read the above). My first concern is quality/durability. I use Verizon, and want something on the larger size - while I scoffed at the iPhone Plus, I'm considering getting one, but am also open to other brands and operating systems. I'm also not crazy about the fact that the new iPhones don't have a headphone jack - I listen to music on a daily basis when I take walks in the morning (although I suppose I could get a bluetooth set...it is just another cost that I'd like to avoid).

Other questions and considerations:

*Generally just normal, medium usage - texting and calls, maps, internet, some photos, and music with headphones.

*Is there any benefit ordering it online vs going into a Verizon store?

*Any way to save money?

*Pros and cons of iPhone vs. Samsung? Any other brands to consider?

*My wife has an iPhone, so I suppose staying "in-house" is convenient, but not a must.

*Any phones to avoid?

Thanks in advance.


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Have a 6S, no problems here. Would recommend if you're on a budget.

25 minutes ago, Angelsjunky said:

new iPhones don't have a headphone jack

The iphone 7 comes with a headphone jack adapter, so you can still use your headphones.


Had to manage a project that required the latest iPhone and Android support, and the iPhone's held up MUCH better.

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I've done the HTC Droid, battery was inadequate. Upgraded to the next level of Droid and still would use up battery on normal day that didn't include any streaming. 

I own a Samsung 7 and the battery holds up well and I've never set it for maximum life. It handles all texting, emails,  web surfing and has a standard headphones jack. I have no complaints but buy it on the Internet, Verizon gouges. 

I'm interested if anyone has a new Google phone. They seem to be a good but not great price point. Not sure about performance or durability.  

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I have the Galaxy S7.  I really like it.  Had the LG G4 before this.  Started off fine, but then kept having issues with the hard drive. 

The Pixel that @Blarg is referring to has gotten really good reviews.  Should be on your short list. 

The latest apple phones are also good.  Can't go wrong with them.

If you want to save money, the Galaxy S7 IMO is not a bad way to go.  And since the S8 is about to hit in 2 months, you can get them at at a discount.  Also, just IMO, but I am not fond of the edge gimmick, and since it's looking more and more like the S8 won't have a non edge option, the S7 might be the one till the S9.  Also, if you get a refurbrished, it would be even more cheaper. 

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38 minutes ago, Angelsjunky said:

Thanks, folks. What about in-store vs. online? Is there any difference?

And any major difference between the Plus 6 and Plus 7?


From what I gather, the 7 has a nicer camera. Performance is similar for both phones, you'll notice it coming up from the 5. Design is also slightly different and the 7 comes with dual speakers.



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31 minutes ago, Blarg said:

I've done the HTC Droid, battery was inadequate. Upgraded to the next level of Droid and still would use up battery on normal day that didn't include any streaming. 

I own a Samsung 7 and the battery holds up well and I've never set it for maximum life. It handles all texting, emails,  web surfing and has a standard headphones jack. I have no complaints but buy it on the Internet, Verizon gouges. 

I'm interested if anyone has a new Google phone. They seem to be a good but not great price point. Not sure about performance or durability.  

I too have a Galaxy s7 and have for over a year. Still love it. 

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If you are interested in the Galaxy s7.  Looks like Best Buy is a good local bet. 

I have never used this website before, but it popped on a google search.  If you are paying the prices they show though, I'd for over the extra for a 2 year warranty.


I've also dealt with B and H online a few times, and their price is pretty good. 


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One final thing.  Whatever phone you get.  If you get from best buy or walmart or online.  Make sure the phone is Verizon compatible.  Verizon has a weird system, so not all phones play nice with it unless they are specifically made for them.

You are looking for CDMA compatible.  Not GSM like most that are listed.

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I just got an iPhone 7 with 128mb. I was going to go for the Plus, but it was too big - it actually gave my hand a cramp holding it, and it felt like I could easily drop it.

Very slick little device, especially upgrading from the 5. The guy was saying if I could wait until September, supposedly the 7s/8 is going to be a big step forward, but I can't wait as my old phone is dying. Anyhow, I hate the consumer treadmill...the 7 is great for me.

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On 2/7/2017 at 3:48 PM, Angelsjunky said:

I just got an iPhone 7 with 128mb. I was going to go for the Plus, but it was too big - it actually gave my hand a cramp holding it, and it felt like I could easily drop it.

Very slick little device, especially upgrading from the 5. The guy was saying if I could wait until September, supposedly the 7s/8 is going to be a big step forward, but I can't wait as my old phone is dying. Anyhow, I hate the consumer treadmill...the 7 is great for me.

I lost my IPhone 6 recently ... got the iPhone 7 Plus w/128mb. Since I practically run my business with my phone I decided to go big. 

The sales rep said I could upgrade in a year ... hope he's right. Two years is too long for me. 

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On 2/7/2017 at 1:50 PM, Blarg said:

I've done the HTC Droid, battery was inadequate. Upgraded to the next level of Droid and still would use up battery on normal day that didn't include any streaming. 

I own a Samsung 7 and the battery holds up well and I've never set it for maximum life. It handles all texting, emails,  web surfing and has a standard headphones jack. I have no complaints but buy it on the Internet, Verizon gouges. 

I'm interested if anyone has a new Google phone. They seem to be a good but not great price point. Not sure about performance or durability.  

I dont have the pixel but a friend does, and he raves about it, fwiw. Might be my next one. Its camera is supposed to be top notch, and unlimited cloud included i think.

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I have a Galaxy S7 Edge with Verizon and since the S5, it's the best phone I've ever owned. I would recommend it to anybody. I've never had an iPhone (I don't like the interface).

I've never really used the "edge" on it but it has great battery life which lasts me atleast a day (and I use my phone for work), an awesome screen, it's responsive, quick, and I've never had an issue with it. I can take out the SD card, copy and paste downloaded movies and music to it, and watch them on my phone flawlessly (which helps when doing cardio at the gym).

I had an S7 for about a week and had battery issues and Bluetooth connectivity issues so I returned it. I'm not sure if the bigger S7 has the same issues. 

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