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Happy 70th Birthday, Nolan Ryan


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There was an anticipation every time he pitched, wondering if he was going to strike out 15 batters or pitch a no-hitter.  Of course, he could easily pitch wild and get bombed as well.

He was one of the few joys of being a fan of the Angels in the 70's.

Happy birthday Express!

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I remember being a kid and playing wiffle ball against the garage with all the kids in the neighborhood.. We would replicate batting stances of the Major Leaguers and motions of the pitchers like Tiant and Tekulve... I would say I was Nolan Ryan and then dose or knock my buddy down with a rise ball to the dome!..... Good Times!


Great reply Glen!

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Biggest Ryan thrill was seeing K# 383 in person in 1973.   Still a MLB record to this day

Second biggest in person Ryan thrill was home opening night in 1977, as he pitched a one-hitter against the M's (former Dog Bob Stinson with the only hit, a 3rd inning double).

Third biggest in person Ryan thrill was seeing his last game in Angel Stadium in 1993, pitching 7 innings of 1 run baseball for the Rangers and getting a HUGE ovation when he left the game.

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Like I said in the "How long have you been a fan thread" .....  I will NEVER EVER EVA forget the sound the ball made coming out of his hand. We were watching him warm up in the old school bullpen before his start at Anaheim " I don't remember the opponent or much about the game itself" ....  It sounded like an enormous bumble bee.... Bzzzzzzzzzzz....Smack of the glove.... You saw the motion and point of release "a loud grunt" the bzzzz then a loud smack of the glove.....  I was like 7 years old. The catcher would lob it back and it would be the same thing all over again.   Just amazing to watch and hear! Something I will never forget.

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23 hours ago, fan_since79 said:

June 14, 1974. Nolan Ryan throws 235 pitches, strikes out 19 Red Sox batters, and gets a no-decision.


This one is still totally freakish to this day.   Heck, today's pitchers have trouble reaching HALF of that number of pitches.

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