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Top secret emails on Clinton's private email.

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I don't consider it criminal, although illegal, but it is lazy and stupid. 


Lets face it our choices for president are a bunch of hacks. The genuine ones are too radical for national leadership. Republican primary voters won't back Kasich because he's not a stubborn hack. He's been an extremely successful bi-partisan politician, I hope he runs as an independent after this mess just to !@#$ the republicans out of ohio. We desperately need a 10% vote share for a 3rd party candidate. Even if that party isn't a party, just independent or a sort of undeclared.  


The state of the Republican party is really exemplified by how little support Kasich is getting (or Rand Paul, for that matter). While I'd much rather vote for Bernie, and even rather vote for Hillary, Kasich strikes me as a man of integrity and I wouldn't be bummed out to see him as president. He's what Republicans used to be before the Rove/Cheney era and the rise of the ultra right-wing group.

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