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Challenger Disaster 30 Years Ago Today... Where Were You?

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thats two explosions.

From what i understand, they acrually survived the explosion and died on impact with the water. I believe none were conscious though

That's also what I've heard in recent years. It took them a long time to acknowledge this as we all thought the explosion itself killed them.

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I was working in the Parole Board office at the intake center for the Oklahoma Department of Corrections. My job was calculating initial parole consideration dates for new intakes. One of our case managers, who was quite the jokester and always had a big smile on his face, came to the office door with a very serious expression on his face. "The shuttle just exploded", he said.

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That's also what I've heard in recent years. It took them a long time to acknowledge this as we all thought the explosion itself killed them.

ive seen videos where they highlight they crew compartment falling away from the debris supposedly intact. I cant say whether or not thats what it is, but thats at least whats being said.

Someone mentioned above how blase the public had become regarding the space program. Sadly its pretty true. Most remember challenger, how many really remember much about endeavor?

On a lighter note, i really, really regret never getting to see the shuttle launch or land. As a big aviation geek it would have been amazing to witness

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ive seen videos where they highlight they crew compartment falling away from the debris supposedly intact. I cant say whether or not thats what it is, but thats at least whats being said.

Someone mentioned above how blase the public had become regarding the space program. Sadly its pretty true. Most remember challenger, how many really remember much about endeavor?

On a lighter note, i really, really regret never getting to see the shuttle launch or land. As a big aviation geek it would have been amazing to witness

Wow, I've never heard they survived the explosion. I just figured that explosion was fatal.

I saw the first shuttle land at Edwards. My Dad was slated to go with us but got called in to work for an emergency. We never saw it land again and he too regretted it

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Wow, I've never heard they survived the explosion. I just figured that explosion was fatal.

I saw the first shuttle land at Edwards. My Dad was slated to go with us but got called in to work for an emergency. We never saw it land again and he too regretted it


"While analyzing the wreckage, investigators discovered that several electrical system switches on Pilot Mike Smith's right-hand panel had been moved from their usual launch positions. Fellow astronaut Richard Mullane wrote, "These switches were protected with lever locks that required them to be pulled outward against a spring force before they could be moved to a new position." Later tests established that neither force of the explosion nor the impact with the ocean could have moved them, indicating that Smith made the switch changes, presumably in a futile attempt to restore electrical power to the cockpit after the crew cabin detached from the rest of the orbiter."

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Astronauts are so f'n brave

they dont get near the attention they deserve IMO.

I have a man crush on the NASA people in general, but the astronauts in particular. Not just that they fly fighter planes, and rockets into space. But theyre all dmart as hell. Hose pioneering types who designed vehicles to enter space, with mathmatics done by hand is amazing. The guys who agreed to be shot into space on a missile in something not a lot more complicated that a volkswagon, just to do it and advance science is badass.

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