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The Dodgers could trade Andre Ethier before April


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Andre Ethier will earn 10-5 rights on April 21.

At that point he'll be able to refuse any trade. That might entice the Dodgers to deal him before that date. The Dodgers have a crowded outfield right now but it's going to be tough to deal Ethier and his $18 million salary. Ethier has two years left on his contract with a vesting option that will trigger if he reaches 550 plate appearances in 2017.


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I doubt it happens. C.J. Wilson will need to go somewhere else first I believe.


The Dodgers do not have a need in their rotation and are loaded with lefties. 


Clayton Kershaw   2. Scott Kazmir   3. Hyun-Jin Ryu square_orange.gif   4. Brett Anderson   5. Kenta Maeda   6. Alex Wood   7. Brandon McCarthy   8. Mike Bolsinger   9. Brandon Beachy
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Isn't it true that for every dollar the Dodgers shed, they save 50 cents in tax? That creates a huge incentive for them to eat cash.

Suppose for example that Eithier is owed 2/40 (I know it isn't that high). He will actually cost them 2/60 after tax. So if they traded him and ate 20 mil of the 40 he is owed, they'd save 30 mil total (20 in salary, 10 in tax). Eating $20 mil would effectively cost them only 10 mil.

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The Dodgers didn't want Wilson last year and they won't want him this year.

I think if we want Ethier, it's going to take Paredes and Alcantara to build the future of their pen while the Angels take on 25 million of the remaining 38 million.

So we're taking on 12.5 million on the luxury tax while losing our top bullpen prospects. This would actually be fine, if we could then trade Wilson for other bullpen prospects while having another team take on 12.5 million of his remaining contract so that we could slip back under the luxury tax.

But it just doesn't make much sense.

The Angels would be better off signing Fowler for 3/45, thereby surpassing the luxury tax by about 11 million and trading CJ for salary relief and saving 6 million. This would drop the luxury tax excess down to 5 million and a penalty under a million and a swift drop below the tax next year.

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Either Fowler or Ethier and their OBP & pop would look really good hitting in front of Trout. Both are lefties too, though Fowler is a switch hitter.












I like it ^^^

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I doubt it happens. C.J. Wilson will need to go somewhere else first I believe.


The Dodgers do not have a need in their rotation and are loaded with lefties. 


Clayton Kershaw   2. Scott Kazmir   3. Hyun-Jin Ryu square_orange.gif   4. Brett Anderson   5. Kenta Maeda   6. Alex Wood   7. Brandon McCarthy   8. Mike Bolsinger   9. Brandon Beachy


that's a good point.  forgot the dogs loaded up on starters the last few weeks.  


still think a Hill/Obrien swap with CJ and maybe a minor leaguer as well as some money would be legit.  Then Az can sign Kendrick.  

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Do we really want to give up a mid teens pick for Fowler?

Ethier could cost as much $55 million through 2018. Tough thing to do for someone getting up there in years.

We're more than one draft pick in the teens away from rebuilding this farm. It's going to take a dramatically increased international presence and a recommitment to drafting high upside high school position players, something we've done one time in the early rounds in the last 5 years or so (Jam Jones).

That teens pick really won't mean a ton. Heck, I'd do that and even surrender my second round pick for Howie if it meant posting a lineup like Escobar, Fowler, Trout, Pujols, Calhoun, Kendrick.

I mean that might be the highest scoring in the AL.

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Not many good options at this point, if any

Thanks, Arte


Yeah. Arte's commitment to winning over the years has been appreciated. I will not forget that.


That said, in this business it's what have you done for me lately. He F'd up on Josh Hamilton all the way around, now he's punishing the fans by not filling a major hole in LF.


Eppler's spin on Nava and Gentry as a platoon to fill that hole is quite humorous. He's banking on two players going back to being good as they were a few years back. 


Not smart. 

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