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Trade Partner...


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As I look through each team, I wonder who could be a trade match for the Halos.  From what I see, here are the following teams that could be a good match:


  • Marlins (Ozuna, Yellich)
  • Rockies (Blackmon, Dickerson)
  • Nats (Taylor, Revere)
  • Rays (Guyer, Mahtook)
  • Tigers (Gose, Collins)

Some of these might require a 3-team trade.  But these are potential players that could be solid LF upgrades.  A few of these players would also fit as a lead off hitter.  Any thoughts?

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If it were me, I'd still be exploring how much of a discount we could get on Dexter Fowler or Austin Jackson. But if that doesn't work out, my next choice would be to trade one of our pitching prospects like Nate Smith for Rymer Liriano, and enter ST with an open LF competition between Gentry, Nava, Liriano, Ortega and Hinshaw.

I like Gentry as a 4th OF and Ortega as depth between AAA and Anaheim, so basically if be wagering that one of the following occurs...

1. Nava bounces back.

2. Rymer's all around play translates with more experience.

3. Hinshaw. The same as Liriano.

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My first choice would be Gardner for Wilson or Santiago. He and Escobar at the top would create a ton more runs.

After that figure out the cost for Ozuna.

At some point I would have no problem signing Ian Desmond. He's only 30, put him at 2nd or left.

I know some experts were talking about teams looking at Desmond to play LF. If Desmond was passable at LF and could also play 3rd, SS and 2B that would be nice to have.

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My first choice would be Gardner for Wilson or Santiago. He and Escobar at the top would create a ton more runs.

After that figure out the cost for Ozuna.

At some point I would have no problem signing Ian Desmond. He's only 30, put him at 2nd or left.

Is Desmond worth losing the upper teens draft pick?

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Is Desmond worth losing the upper teens draft pick?

I was curious about that myself and looking at his stats he has been trending down the last 4yrs. I think I'm changing my stance on bringing Desmond onboard. If he didn't cost a draft pick i might reconsider depending on cost.

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Aside from Mike Trout, who we don't trade under any circumstance, I'm hard pressed to think of anyone else on the roster who another team would want badly enough to give up a player who isn't either still in the minors or on the decline.


Garrett Richards, Andrew Heaney, Kole Calhoun, and Andrelton Simmons each have real (in some cases significant) trade value.


The Angels may not be willing to trade any those assets, or they may not line-up well with a prospective trade partner. However, "hard pressed" is hyperbole.  

Edited by halosfan1970
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