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Cespedes signs with the Mets


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Not gonna lie -- this is the lowest Ive been on our farm in a long time.  There are guys I really like like Abbott and some of the arms -- but it's just so incredibly weak right now that a big part of what I enjoy following looks to be painful.  At the same time, this is likely the most excited I've been for a draft in a long time.   Ward, Baldoquin -- gotta hope they both come out of the gate strong.

yeah.  that's pretty much my feeling as well.   The farm system was always the fall back.  A means of creating hope when the mlb team wasn't very good.  i also enjoy trying to guesstimate who is gonna do well and who isn't.  I tend to like the high ceiling guys the most and since we really haven't been going there much I find out drafts to have been pretty boring.  A guy that has a chance to be a back of the rotation guy or middle reliever.  A potential major league starter vs. 4th OFer or util MIF.  A defensive C with a strong arm in the first round.  Yawn.  


Fans in general don't follow the farm system, but they love when guys come up through the org and become all stars.  Much more so than when a free agent perform adequately for their 20 million.  


There is no substitute for winning with home grown talent.  

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After repeated assurances that they would have no effect on the way the team went forward. All lies.

I think that is the part that hurts the most. Saying at the beginning they would not go over the threshold is one thing, but saying you would for the right player is another.

Maybe the time is now to trade everyone and tank for a few years.

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I think that is the part that hurts the most. Saying at the beginning they would not go over the threshold is one thing, but saying you would for the right player is another.

Maybe the time is now to trade everyone and tank for a few years.


I never thought that rebuilding was the best idea, but it is certainly a better idea than letting the team atrophy before our eyes.

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So you agree he hasn't learned squat.  I think you are still working from the vantage that Arte's primary concern is whether the team wins.  


His baseball people can only do so much with the resources available to them.  If they have league low scouting and development budgets and no money for signing foreign players.   On the operations side he's gone bare bones.  


Here is a deaspin article that has financial info from the Angels, Pirates, Marlins, and Rays.



Take a look at the scouting and development as well as minor league operations budgets for the halos vs. those other small market clubs.  They all dwarf us and this was financial info from 2008 and 2009.  


Can't you see what Arte is doing?  He's not going 'all in' as you say.  He's just reallocated as much of his budget as possible into the major league payroll.  Other teams with much lower payrolls spend similar if not more money as an entire organization.  It's a shell game dude.  We see what he wants us to see.  'Look at how much I'm spending on the players just for you and your 3 million friends'.  


But it's driving the org into the ground and skimping on all the things people don't see will eventually catch up to him.  As it's doing this year where he's run out of assets.  But if you notice from these financials (which btw, I am not an expert at interpreting) there was a partner capital distribution of 20 million and who knows where other salaries are hidden in the 'general administrative and other' category or anywhere else I am just not savvy enough to figure out.  


Also, the org was profitable in 2008 and 2009, there were increases in partner capital and the currrent large TV contract hadn't even kicked in yet.  We've seen a small bump in major league payroll since the $100,000,000 per year TV deal and I am sure portions of that get distributed to major league baseball, but where is the rest of it going?  


You are preaching fiscal responsibility and that Arte should be lauded.  That we are spoiled and that our treatment of Arte is unfair.  


We are no more spoiled than any other large market team.  we have the sixth highest payroll yes, but we have the 5th highest revenue stream (over 300 mil per year).  


You are being fooled by the lack of financial transparency in baseball as a whole.  It's exactly what Arte is using to his advantage to give people the impression that he is doing everything he can to help the major league team.  A mostly true statement.  


It would be more accurate if he said 'We are doing everything we are willing to in order to help the major league team'.  


We had $240 million in revenue in 2009. I wonder how much we made in 2015?

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Oh my God, fan seriously self banned because Cespedes chose to go back to the Mets for less years and money? WTF is wrong with your thinking?

Wait, never mind. If any of you sackless Clowns feel the Angels won't be competitive please self ban rather than spend another season voicing your self loathing and angst.



yeah, you sackless clowns. notti knows what's up. you better measure up or he's going to take care of business. 

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Don't the Angels have a weak facility in the DR compared to other MLB clubs, or did they finally spend just a handful of money to make moderate upgrades? You have a team that trades prospects away routinely and are non-existent in Latin America/Asia for no good reason at all. Just baffling the direction they're going


The Organization did put in a rock bridge!



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This is absolutely incorrect.


Actually, if you go by last year its true... being better than 2/3 of the league means we come in 11th, first out of the post season.

What that means or the benefit of it is i dont know, just means we are the last one out or the first loser. 

Either way it sucks since MLB doesnt have an NIT. 

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