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Cespedes signs with the Mets


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It's pretty clear at this point that we aren't going to be major players in the free agent market in the foreseeable future, and that Arte Moreno's comment about being willing to exceed the cap "for the right player" was frankly a lie. If we were going over the cap, this would have been the year to do it, since this free agent class had a number of impact players at positions of need at ages at which they wouldn't be likely to completely tank within the next 2-3 years. Next year's free agent group is paltry by comparison, loaded with guys in their mid-to-late 30s on the downside of their careers.


At least we will get another shot at signing Adrian Beltre. Of course, he will be 36 years old.

Edited by Vegas Halo Fan
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Until we win the AL West in 2016.

You ever manage anything, a project or a group of people? Every once in awhile you can accomplish great things because everything just falls into place or you didn't face the usual adversity. Then next time you try that and well the results are completely different. Why, because you didn't properly prepare or plan. This team is ill prepared offensively.

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Serious question

If you're trout are you a little bit pissed off ?

While I think Trout would have appreciated the help, I don't see him as the type to be overly fazed by someone we didn't sign.  Most players, especially ones that are as good as Trout, have an element of chutzpah about them.  So going into 2016, it won't matter.  


When it comes time to sign a new contract?  Then it might be something to consider if he's making his list.  Which franchises are the most inclined to provide additional support.  


But he knows he's here for the next 5 years.  He's gonna do everything he can to get the players to buy in.  At least that's who I think he is.  

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Well who's to say next year when Weaver and Wilson come off the books that Arte will spend money. Maybe "the right player" still won't be available.

Have you seen the '17 FA class? "The right player" is not available.

We're building for '18...expect some big money thrown at Donaldson after we pick up the option on Escobar for '17.

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In a way im kinda wishing Mike Trout wouldnt have signed that extension.  Not because I dont want him to spend his entire career as an Angel, but because it might give Arte and his goons some incentive to actually improve the team and go all in for a championship.  Id be very surprised if Trout isnt upset with this Angels front office.  Unfortunately for him, hes stuck here for 5 years raking in millions of dollars in revenue for Arte.  If I were him, id have waited on that extension, see what kind of moves Arte does to improve the team. and make it clear that I would leave if nothing is done.  

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Have you seen the '17 FA class? "The right player" is not available.

We're building for '18...expect some big money thrown at Donaldson after we pick up the option on Escobar for '17.

I know that next years class is awful. The real reason we should have signed someone this year.

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Well who's to say next year when Weaver and Wilson come off the books that Arte will spend money. Maybe "the right player" still won't be available.


I look at it this way.


It's a 25 man roster and we didn't sign one of the coveted OF'rs.


Let's see what the current players bring to the table. Only then will we know if investing more money was the right call.

Edited by CALZONE
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