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Claude how awesome will it be when Arte gets that payroll down to like $90 Million? Then he will be able to pocket the other $100 million a year in profit. I would be incredibly happy for him.

How awesome would it be if we don't sign anymore free agents this offseason and we win 93-95 games and make a deep playoff run. Wouldn't that tick you off.

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Of course not, I'm a fan first and foremost. I am also a fan of going into a season with an improved team when they were so close last year.

We are an improved team. Simmons > Aybar, Skaggs will be back, Pennington will help out in a lot of areas, Trout, Cron, Calhoun and Trout are another year wiser, Richards should be stronger, Heaney will come in more experienced, Escobar should be solid, Soto will give Perez a challenge.

Everything that I've read about Scioscia's relationship with Dipoto was negative. Maybe he will be rejuvenated with Eppler. Happy Manager, Happy team.

Edited by CALZONE
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And I agree we are improved. I just think ignoring a glaring hole is a horrible idea. Who knows, maybe they pick someone up to play left.

I honestly think that the team is going to improve. We have some new coaches and probably some better dialogue across the board. I think that they will pleasantly surprise us and maybe Arte will approve a mid-season acquisition. If the timing was better (Wilson and Weaver off the books) Arte would've signed someone. I think it's important to see if this team will play hard and show they want to win before Arte pours more money out.

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