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EPA not doing its job

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West Virginia.  I was there for a few weeks. 


They think it's perfectly safe for the sky to be blue.  Of course when I say the sky is blue, I mean in the middle of the night, and you can't see any stars or come to think of it, the moon.  Think the chemical companies are doing some shady things?  This is also the same city where a chemical storage facility dumped a bunch of chemicals into the drinking water, and pretty much shut the drinking supply down.  And yet, they just played it off as, it happens.

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My grandfather worked for DuPont. There was a chemical spill at his plant (this was back in the 40s) and he was the guy who went back in to shut off the pipe where the leak was coming from. Shortly after he started getting sick, and he died a few years after. Dupont didn't do a thing for him.

This is why I want an effective EPA.

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My grandfather worked for DuPont. There was a chemical spill at his plant (this was back in the 40s) and he was the guy who went back in to shut off the pipe where the leak was coming from. Shortly after he started getting sick, and he died a few years after. Dupont didn't do a thing for him.

This is why I want an effective EPA.


That's an OSHA thing, not EPA.

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