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Signing Upton/Cespedes

Signing Upton/Cespedes  

51 members have voted

  1. 1. How much does the amount of money/years matter?

    • Offer a high AAV as long as we stay short with the length
    • Offer more years and less AAV ( stay below the threshold in future years)
    • 1 year deal is the way to go
    • Try to sign them... But there's a limit to everything
    • Sign them no matter what. Pshhhh, Arte is a billionaire plus we can't waste Trouts talent
    • Both will be bad signings. Stick with the platoon or trade for an OF

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So Trout is the reason Arte is printing money and yet he throws a platoon out in LF while Trout puts up near double digit WAR seasons and watches the playoffs from his house.

I wonder if Trout would have given up 3 years of free agency if he knew he was going to merely be the golden goose for his billionaire owner as opposed to the centerpiece of a playoff caliber team.

Trout's agent dropped the ball ... should of demanded a opt-out clause when he was due to become a free agent. That may of changed Arte's thinking ?

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Trout's agent dropped the ball ... should of demanded a opt-out clause when he was due to become a free agent. That may of changed Arte's thinking ?

Trout could also demand to be traded. I'm sure that Arte would accommodate him. He would certainly bring back a haul. Would that help fix the team? Remember it's business.

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No he wouldn't consider trading Trout, and if he did it would be a bigger mistake than both of his overpays combined.

Nobody wants to see Trout traded but if he were to ask to be traded for personal reasons Arte would most certainly grant him the professional courtesy and move him. I'm sure there's plenty of teams that would be interested. Arte won't hold him hostage.

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Nobody wants to see Trout traded but if he were to ask to be traded for personal reasons Arte would most certainly grant him the professional courtesy and move him. I'm sure there's plenty of teams that would be interested. Arte won't hold him hostage.

Yes he would at least until the last possible moment. He is literally the only marketable player we would have at that point. If he is "holding him hostage" then Arte is to blame, not only that, he would be paying him $30 million at that point, so it is a lucrative hostage situation. Trout is an INCREDIBLE talent, but his trade value is going to go down as he gets deeper into his backloaded contract and the closer he gets to free agency. I would compare it to when Piazza was traded. The Dodgers got a very good package for Piazza, a borderline hall of farmer in Sheffield, a left handed bat they wanted in Jim Eisenreich and the best defensive catcher that wasn't a horrible hitter. You know what, it wasn't nearly enough. The only way you trade a Trout is if you screw up everything else and then someone blows you away with an offer. Even then, who really has the pieces to give up for a Trout? Houston, and that is about it, and I highly doubt they would give you Correa, Springer and their top 2 minor league guys.

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The more I look at it, the more sense Cespedes makes. I just can't imagine how the Angels aren't at least interested, but Cespedes' astronomical asking price must be the hold up - and for good reason. The 6/150 thing is crazy. One report said he was expecting more than Davis got.

I'd have to think if the Angels could get him down to 4 or 5 years and around $90m-$100m, maybe with a year one or two opt out, they'd come to agreement.

Beforehand, I could understand how his agent would wait since Det/Bal have a bit of a history of over-paying in a big way, but with them now out, his agent has to start thinking that 6/150 isn't happening.

Edited by totdprods
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Owner Arte Moreno said Wednesday the Angels have not seriously engaged any of the major free agents this winter and they aren’t planning to do so.


“Right now if I had to make the decision, we’d probably be out,” Moreno said.


“At the end of the day,” he said, “it really gets down to economics.”



Cespedes will be signing with a team other than the Angels within the next week or 2.

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The more I look at it, the more sense Cespedes makes. I just can't imagine how the Angels aren't at least interested, but Cespedes' astronomical asking price must be the hold up - and for good reason. The 6/150 thing is crazy. One report said he was expecting more than Davis got.

I'd have to think if the Angels could get him down to 4 or 5 years and around $90m-$100m, maybe with a year one or two opt out, they'd come to agreement.

Beforehand, I could understand how his agent would wait since Det/Bal have a bit of a history of over-paying in a big way, but with them now out, his agent has to start thinking that 6/150 isn't happening.


Looking at MLBTR's predictions.  They have been pretty close on their predictions.


Price 7/$217 actual 7/$217

Heyward 10/$200 actual 8/$184 - Yearly $20 vs actual of $23 for less years

Greinke 6/$156 actual 6/$206 WTF

Upton 7/$147 actual 6/$132 - yearly $21 vs actual $22

Davis 6/$144 actual 7/$161 - yearly $24 vs actual $23

Cespedes 6/$140


So for Cespedes, looking at $23 was what MLB trade rumors was projecting.  Looks like the actual contracts these guys got if lower in years is a bit higher in AAV.  So probably 5 @ $24 for a total of $120 is what they are looking at.  6 @ $23 for a total of $140, and 7 @ $22 for a total of $154. 


In other words, About $20 million too much per year for the Angels. 

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I know most have already given up hope on this, but I'm hanging by a thread here. Because if the Angels really are done spending money, it would be depressing. To have the most pressing need in all of MLB for a LF and to have entered a market featuring Upton, Cespedes, Heyward, Gordon, Davis, Span and Fowler, and to come away with Nava....

I mean the only way that could be worse is if they do something completely stupid like trade either Tropeano, Skaggs or Heaney for freakin' two years of Charlie Blackmon outside of Coors Field....


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As soon as Cespedes signs elsewhere this place is going to go batshit. Arte this and Arte that. But then people will still lineup at spring training to takes pictures with him.

You realize there's a gigantic difference between us and the casual fan, right? Those people are the same people who have no idea Albert isn't GREAT anymore. They are the same fans that say things like, "I can't believe they got rid of Aybar". They also wonder where Howie is. People on here are slightly more engaged with the team. Also people like having their picture taken with a billionaire.

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Bob Nightengale of USA Today writes that the Nationals and Astros may now turn their attention to free agent outfielder Yoenis Cespedes.

It's unclear if Nightengale is merely speculating, but he notes that both clubs had interest in free agent outfielder Justin Upton before he landed with the Tigers. The Astros already have a crowded outfield, so pursuing Cespedes could set the stage for a trade. The Nationals appeared done making any significant additions after acquiring Ben Revere, but they were in the market for Jason Heyward before he signed with the Cubs. The White Sox and Mets are both reportedly interested in Cespedes, but only for short-term deals. This opens the door for someone else to strike.

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