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Taco Bell exec out after alleged Uber car assault


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Think about how many lives uber/lyft has saved from decreasing the amount of drunk drivers.

I haven't seen the numbers, but i imagine it has been significant.

The left and right don't care about saving lives though, they only care about what fits their agenda.


You can clearly see the driver is at risk because there is no protective barrier between himself and the intoxicated passenger. Uber is not going to take responsibility because after all the car checked out ok, the driver checked out ok so if a passenger goes nuts and injures the driver it is just the risk the driver takes, right?


No regulations means no safeguards and peoples lives are at risk but you can make a couple bucks driving for Uber, a deregulated taxi.

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Ha, I love that you see the triangle. What a cesspool of drunk college aged kids.

I've been in a few Uber rides with people that have/use the app and have never come across a driver like that. Granted, no one has ever been so messed up that they can't give directions.

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This guy has probably been a complete asshole his whole life. Anyone who provokes a fight over something like this is probably an aggressive, violent person. I am sure this wasn't his first fight. And now he gets to pay the price by totally pissing his career away and earning some criminal charges in the process.

Edited by wopphil
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Or maybe he was just drunk.


And probably didn't know he was on camera....actually, not probably, he was too busy falling in the back to know the dude flipped the camera.


Honestly, I thought the driver provoked it, did his job, but was self-righteous about it knowing he had a camera and mace.


The dude ****ed up in a drunk supper and is paying for it more than most of the d-bags that do similar shit in The Triangle on a Friday/Saturday night because some dude had a camera. The dude lost his job and the thing that struck me was how many people shared and were passing it along on social media. This dude is toast in OC with work.


I don't have sympathy for him, but assuming he's some violent creature because he had some drunken aggression towards being kicked out and thus stranded is pretty poor logic.

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Uber is not a babysitter. The driver very smartly turned the camera around the second he knew he'd be kicking him out to protect himself, and +1 for hilarity as we got to see the guy flopping in the back seat. IMO the driver was very reasonable with the passenger as long as his nerves could stand. He was pretty nice the first 3 times he told him to get out, then he got fed up. Then he got a little self-righteous when the guy was being a little whiny argumentative bitch, and understandably so. His car, his rules.


The video shows the big drunk baby gets violent when not given what he wants. Fu** him!


Let's not blur lines; showing drunk aggression is just as telling as showing sober aggression. Except when you're drunk logic is thrown out the window and you allow emotions to take over. When you're not a responsible enough adult to understand that you're drunk and your emotions are taking over before you assault someone, well, you deserve everything coming to you.


I'd love to hear how "I'm not a violent person, I only act that way when I'm drunk" would hold up in court.


It also doesn't matter that there was a camera, as being an executive for a huge company, there is a responsibility to act a certain way regardless if anyone is watching or not, and when you begin to flirt with the lines of behaving irrationally you have to expect somewhere down the line it's going to catch up with you. I'm gonna go ahead and take a gamble this is not the first time this guy was wasted out of his mind and acted this way out in public, or assaulted not only a guy giving him a ride but a female saying no he can't sleep with her tonight: it's probably just the first time he got caught.


Would any of us act this way if we were too drunk and got kicked out of an Uber? I know I wouldn't. And that's because I'm not a violent person to begin with. In fact I'd probably apologize and thank him for the ride, and be on my way. We don't see the entire video, but I'm going to guess based off doing Lyft for 6 months that this guy was a dick to begin with. Maybe if he was, oh I don't know, a polite and quality human being, the Uber driver would have been a little more patient to make sure he got home safe. I know I would. Let's not forget, the further you take them, the more you get paid. It gets to a point where it's not worth it.


And last but not least, give me a break with being stranded LOL. This is 2015 and he's in the middle of the busiest part of Costa Mesa. Get out and call another Uber. Completely unacceptable and pussification at its best seeing this pus*y take cheap shots, grabbing hair, and cat fighting a guy who couldn't defend himself. If you can't honestly stay awake or give directions, GTFO.


The guy is obviously a gutless piece of sh*t. If I was his boss: FIRED. No questions asked.

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Or maybe he was just drunk.

And probably didn't know he was on camera....actually, not probably, he was too busy falling in the back to know the dude flipped the camera.

Honestly, I thought the driver provoked it, did his job, but was self-righteous about it knowing he had a camera and mace.

The dude ****ed up in a drunk supper and is paying for it more than most of the d-bags that do similar shit in The Triangle on a Friday/Saturday night because some dude had a camera. The dude lost his job and the thing that struck me was how many people shared and were passing it along on social media. This dude is toast in OC with work.

I don't have sympathy for him, but assuming he's some violent creature because he had some drunken aggression towards being kicked out and thus stranded is pretty poor logic.

I couldn't disagree with you more. This was a violent outburst. Non-violent, non-aggressive people don't act like that, even if drunk. It isn't like he hit him once, he kept swinging at him.

This is a bad dude who is getting what he has probably had coming for some time.

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a few weeks ago i found myself wondering about possibly being an uber driver during the summer months when school is out. figured it would be a nice income supplement, especially with my daughter's senior year looking like it'll be pretty expensive.

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a few weeks ago i found myself wondering about possibly being an uber driver during the summer months when school is out. figured it would be a nice income supplement, especially with my daughter's senior year looking like it'll be pretty expensive.


Bring mace and a camera.



And maybe a helmet.

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