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Halloween Costumes?


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Popping my "post a picture of yourself" cherry.


I don't dress up unless there is a legitimate Halloween party so I can get belligerently blasted and bump and grind with lots of hotties. Last year was one of those years. 


Gentleman, I must warn you, your wives and girlfriends may not be able to handle the amount of hotness that's going to be showing on your monitor, so perhaps it's best to get them out of the room before you continue to scroll down...





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The crowning touch would have been wearing a Rangers t-shirt under the jersey.


Then Strad would have to bleach his body for letting something Ranger touch his skin.  Let alone he'd have to go out and buy a Rangers Tshirt.  Might as well give that money to a stripper.  Which there probably was a few at his party.

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Then Strad would have to bleach his body for letting something Ranger touch his skin.  Let alone he'd have to go out and buy a Rangers Tshirt.  Might as well give that money to a stripper.  Which there probably was a few at his party.


that would have been less embarrassing than buying a rangers t-shirt.

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