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Gnar Files - Man ejected from car lands on Freeway sign.

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No he wasnt, read the article.

50 mph on the shoulder, no seatbelt. Is it wrong that I have no sympathy for this numbnut?


It was initially reported as a Prius by various local outlets, but looks like they now have correctly reported it as a Fiesta or Focus(was a ford of some sort).


Around 7 a.m. on Friday, a Toyota Prius was seen driving at high speeds on the southbound side of the 5 Freeway near Glendale, when the car crashed into another car carrying three passengers,reports ABC 7. The Prius then rolled multiple times, during which the body of the driver was ejected from the car and catapulted up onto the platform of the freeway sign for the Colorado Street exit.

Edited by Richard
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Automatically put my seatbelt on and won't move until everyone in the car who is with me does the same. No seatbelt, no ride.

I'm not going to risk having it on my conscience if you go flying through the windshield in am accident. Seriously you're retarded if you dont, there's nothing "cool" about it at all.

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just curious, but is anybody else like me, and automatically puts their seat belt on?  i never even think about it, and marvel that anybody doesn't do it automatically. 


It actually feels weird if I don't have my seatbelt on.  On an odd sidenote, I also keep my seatbelt on at all times on planes.  It doesn't bother me there either.  

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