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Jet Blue


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the director of my men's chorus flies in from portland, OR every other weekend. he flies jet blue because of their service and because they're nice people.


good to see some decent customer service from an airline. seems like most of them have forgotten how to do that.

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Still the best airline out there.


I booked a roundtrip to Orlando @ $191


Nine days later it was down to $160. I called them up, and they gave me a $31 credit per seat.


$124 to use for my next trip. Who still does that?


Southwest does, but I agree.  It's a dying breed.

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I love Jet Blue. I'd rather fly Jet Blue than first class on any other domestic airline.



i love jet blue too but it doesn't even come close to compare to first class.

first class to hawaii is the f*cking shit.

hell even first class to vegas is better than jet blue.

but for non-first class jet blue or virgin is the way to go.

Edited by mrwicked
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Sucks they got rid of the free bags.

Yup, the new 3 tiered pricing structure sucks. You are basically pre-paying for your luggage at a slight discount. I have a wife and two young daughters. I don't know how many pieces of luggage I am going to have months before the trip, so I usually buy the cheapest fare and pay the luggage fee the night before flying. It is only a few dollars difference.

I DO hate the way they release their schedule in segments, usually 6-8 months out, not he usual months like the rest.

Edited by NJHalo
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The last 4 times I've flown to Vegas from Long Beach, the flights have been delayed at least 2 hours.  Outside that, I always prefer to fly them out of Long Beach.  Best airport, best airline


Long Beach is such an awesome airport that I think JetBlue reaps a lot of the benefits from people's positive experiences there.  I wish Southwest flew there too because driving to Burbank from the OC during rush hour is out of the question many days.

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i love jet blue too but it doesn't even come close to compare to first class.

first class to hawaii is the f*cking shit.

hell even first class to vegas is better than jet blue.

but for non-first class jet blue or virgin is the way to go.


I don't like to eat or drink on flights because I have no desire to use the restroom. The personal tv on jetblue flights and easy in/out at LBC make it by far my favorite. 

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I guess I'm just not looking at the right places for their cheap flights. Most of Jet Blue fares I see are a few hundred dollars more than the lowest fare with Delta or Southwest.



Try looking at "Today's Best Fares" set to SLC as the origin, or whichever airport you prefer.  Some of the LAX fares are great, even with extra baggage fees.


From SLC



From LAX


Also from LAX

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Long Beach is a very easy airport.

Speaking of first class, I paid a few hundred to upgrade a few months back coming back from Copenhagen on Norwegian Air. I'm 6'2 and my knees are usually jammed against the seat in front of me. To have an extra 18 inches and a fully reclining seat? It was awesome.

I think you have to be fully reclined to have 18 inches

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I actually never have an issue at LB, ONT, or SA.

I know a couple times I've shown up at ONT 10-15 minutes before boarding and got there as they started calling children and handicap.

Jet Blue is pretty sweet value wise. We tried Virgin last flight and it's a more expensive version, I really like Virgin. Great service, tvs, etc. Jet Blue used to always pop up with the best prices and was first go if it fit my schedule.

I used to have a habit of buying a ticket and then at the gate upgrading to first class. I still don't know if paid more than just buying it in the first place, but found value in time and booze for a couple hundred or so.

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Never taken JetBlue, but a payraise is on the way, and yes I have considered it before, especially going from OC to Vegas. However like others mentioned, it always seems at least double or more expensive for the ticket and, well, I'm not a 6 foot tall guy so I'm not exactly completely miserable saving some alcohol money to sit in with the general public for a couple hours.


Is Long Beach airport really that good? Any time I have flown to OC, I usually do LAX or John Wayne.

I'll have to check it out


Long Beach Airport is the shit and one of those last few gems in the local area that hasn't been destroyed by overpopulation or mexicans (that's for Cal).


Basically, it takes you 5 minutes to drop or pick someone up because there's no traffic, and then getting on the plane is super laid back, and you literally walk on the tarmac to get on or off the plane like the President does. Super basic, simple, and the place hasn't really changed in decades.


Once dealing with Long Beach, LAX is like a huge razored dildo up the wazoo.

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Is Long Beach airport really that good? Any time I have flown to OC, I usually do LAX or John Wayne.

I'll have to check it out

I will pay 20% more to fly out of LGB. Last time I had a 2 hour delay to Vegas, I nearly got myself in trouble sitting at McKennas Edited by AngelsLongBall
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Never taken JetBlue, but a payraise is on the way, and yes I have considered it before, especially going from OC to Vegas. However like others mentioned, it always seems at least double or more expensive for the ticket and, well, I'm not a 6 foot tall guy so I'm not exactly completely miserable saving some alcohol money to sit in with the general public for a couple hours.

Long Beach Airport is the shit and one of those last few gems in the local area that hasn't been destroyed by overpopulation or mexicans (that's for Cal).

Basically, it takes you 5 minutes to drop or pick someone up because there's no traffic, and then getting on the plane is super laid back, and you literally walk on the tarmac to get on or off the plane like the President does. Super basic, simple, and the place hasn't really changed in decades.

Once dealing with Long Beach, LAX is like a huge razored dildo up the wazoo.

It's about 45 minutes from OC to Vegas, not a couple hours.

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I would rather be hit by a baseball bat than fly Southwest.  It is by far the worst airline experience.  After you pay the 40 dollar upgrade fee each way you don't save any money anyway.


I flew Southwest from Austin to OC last month and had free drinks the entire way. I probably had about 5 vodka tonics. Maybe the flight attendant had a thing for me.










I believe his name was Carl. It's all kinda hazy.

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