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Who's after Scioscia?

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all the players aren't wildly under performing. The root of the problem is a thin starting rotation whose ace is injured, a mediocre bullpen that is being over taxed due to injuries and SP's that can't get out the 5th inning every single game and an offense that is pressing trying to make up for the lack of pitching.

I agree, I don't see this team under performing.  The starting pitching sucked.  It looked like it was going to suck in the off season.  It sucked in spring training and it sucks now!  The bull pen looked like it was going to be mediocre in the off season, it was mediocre in spring training and its mediocre now.  The offense really hasn't been that bad, yes we can score more runs, but we are not scoring more than we are going to give up.

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I agree, I don't see this team under performing.  The starting pitching sucked.  It looked like it was going to suck in the off season.  It sucked in spring training and it sucks now!  The bull pen looked like it was going to be mediocre in the off season, it was mediocre in spring training and its mediocre now.  The offense really hasn't been that bad, yes we can score more runs, but we are not scoring more than we are going to give up.

.120 with RISP is really bad.

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This is now Scioscia's 14th season.  With few exceptions his teams generally self-destruct whenever Oakland, Seattle, and/or Texas have competitive years...2010-2013 are perfect examples of this.  Additionally, his greatest years have come with little to no competition from AL West opponents. 


He doesn't do well under pressure. 

like 2002 right?


you know the year when Oakland, Angels, and Seattle each won 100 games.

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like 2002 right?


you know the year when Oakland, Angels, and Seattle each won 100 games.


I think a lot of people will argue that Scioscia is not the same manager as he was in 2002. Either that or he has lost the connection to motivate and prepare his players for success. 

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Not at all. I think Scioscia has been a root cause for our issues the past three seasons. I do not see this team being successful now or in the near future with him at the reins and I have been saying this for years.

It is his philosophies that have been engrained throughout this entire organization that have led to our demise.


I shocked ... you of all people.

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