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The Official 2015-16 Anaheim Ducks Thread


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huge games against the pacific coming up.  I love Cogliano as a player but he's miscast on the 2nd line, tho I think he works with Kesler because they both play the checking role well.  Silfverberg as well is a good two way forward and strong in the shut down role.  Kesler is dynamic because I think he also works as a guy that can be looked 2 to center a scoring line...he just needs top 6 type wingers to play with him in that role.  It would be interesting if they could get another center able to fill that 2nd line scoring role.  I've thought for a while thought that the Ducks should explore the possibility of getting Nazem Kadri, a very undervalued player IMO and a guy in I think could really flourish in the right situation.

Edited by UndertheHalo
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Curtis Zupke just tweeted that Despres is available tomorrow. That's obviously great news, I just wonder now what we'll do with the D log jam. With Despres back, Fowler returning soon and Stoner not far away we are about to have a lot of bodies and not much room for them. Obviously Holzer goes from the lineup but it's hard to know who else will go. Manson probably deserves to stay in the lineup and there's no way Theodore should be sent back down, but then something has got to happen.

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Curtis Zupke just tweeted that Despres is available tomorrow. That's obviously great news, I just wonder now what we'll do with the D log jam. With Despres back, Fowler returning soon and Stoner not far away we are about to have a lot of bodies and not much room for them. Obviously Holzer goes from the lineup but it's hard to know who else will go. Manson probably deserves to stay in the lineup and there's no way Theodore should be sent back down, but then something has got to happen.


i think they send theo down. he's been fantastic but he doesn't have to clear waivers.

keep manson.


lindholm / manson

fowler / despres

vatanen / bieksa||stoner


trade vatanen for a top 6 LWer.

theo can replace his production.

and there's montour too who is scoring like a mad man.


comical assortment of D riches we have these days.

Edited by mrwicked
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! Lol I was saying he's reliable. Guys make mistakes, Manson doesn't make a ton. Very young player also. Lindholm was a turn over/moron play machine in the first 2 months of the season.

Holzer is a guy that is a borderline NHL player, so yea he's bad. Stoner doesn't make lots of mental mistakes but is bad and gets beat. Bieksa is both stupid and from time to time pretty bad. I think Manson is a good deal better then any of those 3.

Edited by UndertheHalo
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Theo probably gets sent down because he can.  Vatanen is my guess to be traded.  He is a RFA, and we just have a shit ton of young defensemen waiting for spots on the big club, like Theo.  I just don't know if Vatanen can get a top 6.  Or do we go the picks and young route?  Especially with Kessler and Silfverberg heating up. 

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Yea Vatanen seems like the guy most likely to go just cause he's a guy other teams would find valuable and because he's an RFA. Moving Hagelin made signing him seem much more feasible so I guess really anything could happen. That's why I suggested looking at Kadri on Toronto, he's also an RFA and a guy that can play center or wing in the top 6. It should be a simple player swap if it were to happen. The thing is, what kind of contract is he gonna be looking for ? I believe last time he was looking for a pretty big deal.

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Bieksa obviously isn't going anywhere and he actually hasn't been that bad lately. Perhaps you guys are right about Theo's likely demotion. Lindholm, Fowler, Vatanen, Manson, Despres and Bieksa is a pretty solid six and you could have a far worse seventh defenceman than Stoner.


As for the Manson criticism from earlier, no idea where that came from. He works hard and he's pretty reliable. Sure he isn't flashy but he doesn't make that many mistakes either. He's a perfectly acceptable and cheap fifth or sixth defenceman.

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Bieksa has been a lot better, but what was essentially a swap for Beauchmin....it wasn't Bob's, finest hour.  Nor was the Palmeri trade, and as I said in the previous post totally agree on Manson.  He's a good player.  I think he's actually real good with Lindholm on the 2nd pairing.

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Rumors II: Lightning, Canucks, Escrow, Ducks and Oilers


Interesting how they phrased that, Vatanen or Lindholm, whichever signs first.  Wonder if they are having difficulties signing either?  Or is the negotiations more of a long term nature.  In either case, looks like the Ducks will be dealing from strength.  And hopefully we don't get a temporary fix, but a RFA or lower.  I actually wouldn't even mind some top picks, since I think the O is turning the corner.

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Once Cam and Simon are both back I gotta imagine Holzer is waived ( though I hope he clears cus he's been decent) I gotta imagine one of Stoner/Vats if not both are shopped. By the time the trade deadline comes through we should most likely see


Cam- Despres

Hampus- KB2

Theo- Stoner/Vats





Gotta remember BB will go with the veteran players and KB2 actually hasn't been terrible lately. His game is finally coming around.

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